Truma Ultrastore PCB connections

Mar 17, 2018
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If ever there is a lesson of taking photos when you take something apart this is it. :blush:

I have removed the connections to the PCB in my Truma Ultrastore and when going to put it back together, to my surprise, the yellow connection allows you to put the connector on either way round. Three are six pins on the connection (on the board), and only 5 wires on the connector.

Could anyone provide advice on which way round I should connect it back please.

Black on the right, or black on the left.



Thank you for your help.
Apr 19, 2017
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That connector should only (easily) fit one way around. I am pretty sure that it will be 'black wire on left' as per your photos. Just make certain the 12v is off, and gently try it each way.

(It was only a couple of months ago that I had mine unplugged. If you get really stuck I'll have a look for you to confirm orientation).
Mar 17, 2018
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Thanks for replying. When I took it off I assumed that it the connection/connector mouldings would only go back one way - hence didn't take a picture - but having tried to put it back on both ways there's nothing to choose between how it fits.

Following your message I've just been back out to try again to confirm. If you would be so kind as to check on yours then I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
Mar 17, 2018
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So I've been googling for hours! And I've worked out that the connector I have is not the standard one. As standard the control cable would have a yellow connector, which does only fit one way (there are two locators that protrude on one side of it). Mine is white and much smaller. The best picture I can find on the web showing me how it goes back is this one:
It shows a spare pin on the left side, and the white wire next to it, also on the left. I assume that the black wire is therefore on the right.

Before I take the plunge and risk damaging the PCB it would be great if someone can confirm this.

Many thanks.
Apr 19, 2017
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Hi Phil, Sorry for the delay...the usually excellent site WiFi here in Spain has been playing up today (atrocious weather here too!).

I've checked my Ultrastore which looks identical to yours in the pics. (mine has a model number US103- and a manufacturing date range 2004/2005/2006).

As viewed in your pics, the empty slot in the connector should be on the LEFT. The wire colours on mine seem slightly different. From the LEFT they are:
(Empty) - White- Brown- Green- Yellow- Blue
Mar 17, 2018
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That's great. I think mine is a couple of years later than yours and what you have said is consistent with the other picture that I found, so that's really helpful thank you.
I sent the pictures to Truma too, who replied quickly and advised that it is a Sargent harness, rather than Truma, so didn't want to advise further. Perhaps they were cheaper at the time of my build.
Thanks so much for your help on this and I hope the weather improves for you down there.
Cheers, Phil
Apr 27, 2018
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Hi there,

Just wondering if you managed to find out the correct way for the gas control connector at the PCB. I have just bought a caravan and the gas control switch does not light up when switched on and was wanting to check the wires were on right. I can heat water using the electric but no life on Gas.


Apr 19, 2017
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The electric heating is totally independent of the gas control circuitry.
Have you checked that 12v is getting to the Ultrastore? The 12v supply connects to the Ultrastore PCB located in the heater itself. It usually connects via a 2-pin connector near the heater, probably with green/white wires. Maybe it is something simple like a failed fuse in in the distribution panel .
It's also worth checking that the edge connectors to the PCB have not become dislodged After that, faultfinding will become more serious!.
Apr 27, 2018
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Thanks for the reply Vic, yeah got 12v to the heater at the PCB, changed out the fuse on the PCB but the old one tested ok. I am at a loss now really. No LED at all on the control switch. What’s your experience with these boilers. Does running them on electric only ok for a family of 5 or do you really need the gas going too.

Thanks again,

Mar 14, 2005
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Creid said:
Thanks for the reply Vic, yeah got 12v to the heater at the PCB, changed out the fuse on the PCB but the old one tested ok. I am at a loss now really. No LED at all on the control switch. What’s your experience with these boilers. Does running them on electric only ok for a family of 5 or do you really need the gas going too.

Thanks again,


It all depends on how much hot water each person uses. I'm pleased to say that my family were quite frugal with hot water and we managed getting up in the morning easily with the electric element in a Cascade. If we needed showers we either used the sites facilities or simply allowed enough time for the heater to reheat the water. The other down side of showering in the caravan, was the additional water that needed to be fetched and taken away.

The only thing that having both gas and electric water heating did was to allow the water to be heated faster, but it still isn't fast enough to provide constant hot water for more than two consecutive showers

There is no simple answer to your question.
Apr 27, 2018
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Got the boiler working on gas. Had a fault with the PCB also the black wire (live) was broken. The pictures below show the correct wiring for the loom that I have. As above the black is the live feed. Hope this helps anyone that gets a similar fault.




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