Turning right on red lights in USA

Mar 14, 2005
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Does anyone know the definitive answer to the above question? We've been to the USA sevaral times and are unsure about this ruling. I do know that in some circumstances this is allowed, providing the turn is safe. Going again soon and would like to know the actual ruling. Thanks
Sep 13, 2006
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I quote from NY safety website

"Traffic facing a steady circular red signal may cautiously enter the intersection to make a right turn after stopping as required by paragraph one of this subdivision, except that right turning traffic is not required to stop when a steady right green arrow signal is shown at the same time. Such traffic shall yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within a marked or unmarked crosswalk at the intersection and to other traffic lawfully using the intersection"

Apparently you need to be cautious of red arrows indicating right as this can mean opposite things in different states.

For more info google "right on red law"
Dec 28, 2005
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I am not absolutely sure whether or not the 'right on red' rule applies to all States, but certainly it does in all the mid-West States that I have driven in (Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Kansas & Missouri).

Amusingly, I was following a car driven by American colleagues during a business trip to Denmark and was astonished to see them blithely apply the rule! Luckily for them there were no Polizei about.

Keith (M)
Jul 15, 2005
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All states allow "right turn on red", but take care - many turn signals are permissive - with placarded instructions detialing exact use for that turn signal.

And you MUST stop and check before turning.

And the same permissive rule applies turning left onto a one-way street.

And finally, some states (notably California where I worked in the 80's) have prohibited right turn on red if the turn signal displays a separate "red arrow" or filter signal

Enjoy, Robert


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