TV bracket in van


Mar 17, 2007
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OK I have relented and allowed OH to purchase a TV for the van with the express and sole purpose of playing a DVD on wet evenings or to keep the little grandson quiet for half an hour while we read the paper! Our van is fitted with a hinged bracket (fixed to a vertical panel between the kitchen and the bed) that can be swung around to have the tv facing the fixed bed or the lounge. It has a clip to keep the bracket in place when towing.

Question: should I keep the TV fixed to the bracket while towing or remove and re-fix for every journey?
Many thanks in advance
Jun 20, 2005
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Remove the tv from the bracket and lay screen side up on something soft and cover with a towell or similar. Laying the screen side down can cause damage. Travelling with the tv attached to the bracket can cause undue stress and allow the bracket to fail. Similarly it is wise to remove the glass turntable from the microwave when travelling.
Aug 4, 2004
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Dustydog said:
Laying the screen side down can cause damage.
Why do you think lying it face down will cause damage? There is no mention of thsi in the any of the handbooks for the four different TVs we own.. Prior to purchasing the Tvs are probably stored on their side anyway.
Jun 20, 2005
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Surfer said:
Dustydog said:
Laying the screen side down can cause damage.
Why do you think lying it face down will cause damage? There is no mention of thsi in the any of the handbooks for the four different TVs we own.. Prior to purchasing the Tvs are probably stored on their side anyway.
Hi Surfer
Face down , the screen surface supports the tvs weight and all the constant movement in transit may scratch or otherwise damage the screen.
LCD tvs do not like pressure on the screen surface. I agree there is nothing in the books , just me trying to be cautious, sensible. Plus a tip I picked up from our removal men 8 years ago.
Our plasma TVs do have strict instructions NOT to be laid on their sides at all. But who in their right mind will be taking a 42" away in the caravan.
Aug 4, 2004
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Ours is normally transported in a covered TV bag so is protected from scratches. It travels on the front bunk normally face down just in case we forget and put something on top of it.
Oct 30, 2009
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Surfer said:
Ours is normally transported in a covered TV bag so is protected from scratches. It travels on the front bunk normally face down just in case we forget and put something on top of it.
in a bag sounds good but I still would not put it screen down for reasons as above
when our son bought a new tv for the bedroom he gave us the old one for the van a 15in flat screen I brought it home in the boot wrapped in a sheet face down, when we got home I tried it to check it out the screen was broken and was like looking through a jig saw puzzle it went to the tip having never been used.
Oct 18, 2009
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I brought a new TV for the van when on holiday in Devon from Curry's in Exeter, plus a swing bracket fix it up on the holiday site, time to go home so put a bungee round TV and bracket and of we set for home.
Two month before I got it back from repair, but a good job I took out some insurance.
I now fix it up when on site and dismantle it when going home, I transport it in its original box with the packing.
Oh no I have just brought a micro wave (remove plait before traveling).
Reg Pat and Harley


Mar 17, 2007
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Thanks for the advice. Taking it down was my first thought. No need to worry about screen up or down as OH was seduced by the delights of a purpose built bag for transportation. (Looks like a giant brief case!).
Thanks again
Apr 26, 2010
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I have a bracket that is fixed on the shelf between the lounge and the bedroom so I can swing it in either direction when we go to bed or get up in the morning.

The bracket slides out so I can adjust the angle of view.
When travelling I close the partition door between the bedroom and lounge then slide the screen up tight against the partition door then I purchased a window lock from B&Q which I attach to the sliding bit of the bracket and tighten it up.

We have done over 5,000 miles with it like this and so far so good


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