TV for the caravan.

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Jan 3, 2012
We have one of these and only used it on one trip so far, but pleased with it, the stand does not feel as sturdy as some, but ok as only 2 of us. Not so sure if little kids are around it to knock it.
Well i am pleased it ok we haven"t got around using ours so far.
Oct 3, 2013
Im thinking my Avtex TV is getting a bit long in the tooth, had it for many years and will probably replace it with something a tad bigger. Also the stand is a bit awkward in this caravan and doesnt really sit safely where we place it. What makes and models do you guys use, and with what facilities built in. Would preferably want one with built in DVD player.
If you don't require 12 volt operaton go for a domestic one - mains operated.There are many different makes on the market.We've just bought a Toshiba 24" with a HD tuner,is smart and has an inbuilt DVD player.We bought it from Currys,would'nt waste money on expensive 12 volt models - you can get these on internet and I think Currys sell them as well


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