Twin Axel, HELP !

Mar 14, 2005
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I came on here this evening to ask about twin Axel caravans and noticed one that Andy had posted, the leveling must be a nightmare to the new twin Axel owners and this includes me, i have recently bought a ABI Award twin axel and i think that its brilliant but this may sound silly but after buying the van i reallised that i knew nothing about the leveling problem, someone said take 2 3ft planks and place under the wheels but what is the ave thickness of the planks wich should be taken ? now that solves the west - east tilt, now what about the north - south wich i think is the most common problem, with a single axel you just set your level with the jocky wheel, not a problem, but how do you do it with a twin ? i have been on to some local sites but there is eather no twins or they are level, please help as this is putting me off going onto some sites, nothing worse when people are watching and you haven't got a ruddy clue what your doing, LOL,LOL.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Paul, Use exactly the same method to level North/south for both single and twins. The suspension will take up any difference in axel heights on the twins - good luck.
Mar 14, 2005
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Paul - use timber about 2"/50mm thick, anything less will break. North/South levelling is dead easy with the jockey wheel, unless you're on a very steeply sloping site, where the length of the 'van causes grounding before level is reached, in which case pull it diagonally across the pitch & use the planks for "East/West" levelling, then the jockey wheel for "North/South" - have fun!
Mar 14, 2005
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Paul - if you have a pair of levelling ramps (just as you would use for a single axle) then all you need to do is this.

Put your van in line with the pitch and reverse past where you want to end up by at least the distance between the axles. Place both the ramps one in front of the other in front of the front wheel of the side you want to raise, with the tops of the ramps the same distance apart as the axles on your van.

Pull your van forward very gently until the first wheel goes over the first ramp and drops onto the second ramp. Then, if you have spaced the ramps correctly both wheels will be on the bottom of the ramps and you can pull forward slowly again and both wheels will rise on the ramps until the van is level.

When you come to leave the pitch you just gently pull forward over the two ramps and collect them from behind the van.

I think the main advantage of this method is that the levellng ramps are easier to store and handle than large planks of wood (plus I already had mine from my old van).

Levelling front to back is exactly the same as on a single axle.

I hope this helps but my advice is just to try the various methods and see what works best for you.

Happy touring.


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