Twin Axle Problems

Apr 11, 2005
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We are thinking of changing our Lunar Quasar EB for a twin axle fixed bed, rear washroom (waiting to see Bailey's senator version). weight isn't a problem (2800 tubo intercooler Mitsubishi)Has anyone had acess problems on European sites, or at home come to that. I am fully able to reverse such a combination, so manual handling will again not cause a problem. looking forward to knowledgable replies. many thanks.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Mark

We are on our 4th twin axle and have travelled far and near. Using Club sites in England is no problem, but we do warn the wardens in advance and they are most kind. In Europe we have not encountered any problems, as yet!!!, with regards to travellers/twin axles not being allowed on some sites. We have used municipal camps without worry. We go to Italy for the summer and have got onto the pitches, which can be small. Many do not accept large 'vans in high season whether twin or single axle. Our new 'van is just on the 8m, about 30cm more than our last 'van and I am not too worried, but my wife is more so. I know it will be tight. Often there are many people who will give you a push if there is not enough room to use the car. If the twin is the caravan for you, then go for it. Happy travels BarryB
May 21, 2008
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Hi Mark

I have a Link 575 twin axle tourer which is 23 tears old and tow it with my Renault Laguna estate. I have had the van for five years now and so far had no trouble with any site accepting us. We have had one occassion where the warden could not visualise 24 feet and tried to offer us a pitch more suited to an Eriba Puk, but have always been pleased with the reception we get. We do find that some sites idea's of "gently sloping" can mean that we can leave the step behind and obviously because I tow with a two wheel drive car we have to be selective on how we park up, but haven't got stuck yet.

I use a motor mover at home to pull our van up our drive so that the hitch faces the garage which puts the door on the right side and also stops the quick get away from our friendly tea leaves.

Like you I'm fully able to drive our outfit in any directionand as for towing ability I'd not be keen to go back to a single axle van as my twin is very stable and believe it or not, I can forget it's there, as it tows so well.


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