Typhoon training

Jun 16, 2020
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Mach Loop?
I just texted him asking about his transition and also how his mum is.

He replied.

I’ve just been on the phone to her actually. Very different jet. So much power though. Different but I like it. I’ll always love the old girl though!

I needed to ask him if the ‘old girl’ was his mum or the Tornado.

He said the Tornado.

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Nov 6, 2005
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Nov 11, 2009
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Nov 16, 2015
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Thank you. Yet another Forum where a thread goes on and on, but there’s a logical understanding that appears after a while 👍
Some of the older Ex Vietnam pilots that we had flying Bell 212 and 204 said it was because the Enemy would shoot at the left seat, not the right hand PIC.
Another rumor was that Igor Sikorsky was right handed, and the Cyclic control was easier to use by his right hand.
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Nov 11, 2009
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I just texted him asking about his transition and also how his mum is.

He replied.

I’ve just been on the phone to her actually. Very different jet. So much power though. Different but I like it. I’ll always love the old girl though!

I needed to ask him if the ‘old girl’ was his mum or the Tornado.

He said the Tornado.

Last week in North Wales we saw quite a number of jets and the fast turbo prop trainers too. Did plan to go down to the Mach loop viewpoints but there’s only so much you can do in a week. I am in awe of what the pilots can do with their planes. When we lived in Devon it was common to see Hercules come along the valley below the ridge line. The RAFs first female pilot , Julie Gibson, was the daughter of a guy I used to go sailing with, and our daughter used to excercise Julie mums two horses. Julie graduated as an engineer and went on to fly Hercules. An excellent read is “An officer not a gentleman” by Mandy Hickson, one of the first female fast jet pilots on Tornadoes. I suspect your relative would probably know her .
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Jun 16, 2020
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Last week in North Wales we saw quite a number of jets and the fast turbo prop trainers too. Did plan to go down to the Mach loop viewpoints but there’s only so much you can do in a week. I am in awe of what the pilots can do with their planes. When we lived in Devon it was common to see Hercules come along the valley below the ridge line. The RAFs first female pilot , Julie Gibson, was the daughter of a guy I used to go sailing with, and our daughter used to excercise Julie mums two horses. Julie graduated as an engineer and went on to fly Hercules. An excellent read is “An officer not a gentleman” by Mandy Hickson, one of the first female fast jet pilots on Tornadoes. I suspect your relative would probably know her .
The pilot in question did a lot of his training at RAF Valley in Anglesea on the Hawk. Traditionally, each intake would make a video. I have a copy of his. Much is in the bar, but also low level stuff though Snowdonia. Somehow I ended up with a French training groups video. Equally mad antics. In one scene, mid flight, the pilot rips his mask off. And disclosed a skeleton mask underneath.

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Jul 18, 2017
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No they don't have a S92, They have a Super Puma 332L, a Wessex 60 and a S55 Whirlwind, all in Bristow Colours.
I wouldn't know difference, but it was the same colouring. My very good friend was also a helicopter technician at Kempton Park in SA. Now lives in Canada. Only chopper I really know is the Alouette as travelled extensively in them. The picture was taken about 5 years ago over the National Arboretum.
RAR Flypast.jpg


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