Useful Spares

Jun 20, 2017
Good evening,

I’ve recently being thinking of putting together a spares/emergency kit for when away in the caravan. I’m thinking if such things as a spare break away cable, car/caravan bulbs, sandpaper (to clean the tow ball), to name a few. Does anyone else have a kit they take with them and what does you put in it? If people don’t mind sharing that would be great.

Thank you

Sep 12, 2018
Also add fuses to your list and a selection of O rings for things like your water inlet connection
Oct 12, 2013
Fuses bulbs small tool box with gas spanner & an adjustable spanner and a small box of a 48 bit screwdriver and socket set , cable ties , ducktape , can off WD4o , couple off LED torches .
Nov 16, 2015
Craigyoung said:
Fuses bulbs small tool box with gas spanner & an adjustable spanner and a small box of a 48 bit screwdriver and socket set , cable ties , ducktape , can off WD4o , couple off LED torches .

And If your on EHU, one of these.
Nov 16, 2015
Nicholasjahicks said:
Thank you for that. However a mains Hammer with a 240v plug! That escapes me!!!

Also a multi meter, is a usefull addition. The hammer is to hit electrical , bits that are not working. Wear rubber gloves though. :p
Nov 11, 2009
Some even take a spare charger to install in the caravan power supply unit. Especially if going abroad v
Oct 12, 2013
otherclive said:
Some even take a spare charger to install in the caravan power supply unit. Especially if going abroad v

Ha ! Good one clive , after having suffering that horrible mishap few years ago we are now doing that as we have a spare charger in the loft and will be taking it this year when we go back to France fingers crossed nothing will happen now .


Mar 17, 2007
Gaffer tape.

(Thanks to Gabsgrandad who had some in his extensive back-of-car caravan workshop, when we needed some at the last Woosiefest)

May 7, 2012
I have spare fuses and the plug gadget and two adjustable spanners and screwdrivers. It covers most basics but I just hope the local dealer will have the other bits if you need them, as what could fail might overload the caravan or fill the boot.
Nov 16, 2015
Raywood said:
I have spare fuses and the plug gadget and two adjustable spanners and screwdrivers. It covers most basics but I just hope the local dealer will have the other bits if you need them, as what could fail might overload the caravan or fill the boot.

I am with you Raywood, For my first 8 yars I built up a spares box of caravan spares that was maybe upto 15 kg, pipes Pumpsetc, as a" We might need that"and after a weigh bridge check reduced everything by 30 kg. Take just real essentials. Fuses etc.
Sep 26, 2018
To quote from a motorcycle forum, "the best toolkit is a RAC card and a mobile phone"... I might just add credit card as well
Nov 11, 2009
When I went off roading I was told all you required was WD 40 if something wouldn’t move, and tie wraps for something that moved too much.
Oct 8, 2006
Craigyoung said:
Fuses bulbs small tool box with gas spanner & an adjustable spanner and a small box of a 48 bit screwdriver and socket set , cable ties , ducktape , can off WD4o , couple off LED torches .

Agreed EXCEPT for the WD40. Not recommended as it is basically a water disperser and will also remove existing lubricant.
Use GT85 instead. A bit more expensive but it leaves Teflon behind and is also an effective degreaser on your hands.
Nov 11, 2009
Woodentop said:
Craigyoung said:
Fuses bulbs small tool box with gas spanner & an adjustable spanner and a small box of a 48 bit screwdriver and socket set , cable ties , ducktape , can off WD4o , couple off LED torches .

Agreed EXCEPT for the WD40. Not recommended as it is basically a water disperser and will also remove existing lubricant.
Use GT85 instead. A bit more expensive but it leaves Teflon behind and is also an effective degreaser on your hands.

Bit contradictory. If GT 85 gets grease off of your hands then surely it too will remove existing lubricant. Whereas WD 40 does possess a light hydrocarbon lubricant. Where caution is required with WD 40 is that there are basically two types of plastic families. It will affect one of them if used frequently. so it shouldn’t be used. The trick therefore is to know which plastics you can use WD 40 on. I posted a link in a previous thread.
Can’t understand the anti WD 40 sentiment. It’s a tool in your kit. And like all tools needs to be used properly. First came across it when a policeman sprayed my minivan electrics and distributor with it when a lorry coming the other way swamped the minivan on a flooded road. That was in 1969 and the Bakelite Lucas distributor and plug caps survived a few years longer. :)
Mar 14, 2005
Sorry guys, your lists make me feel quite vulnerable. But I am talking of what to take to Europe.
Having been an industrial service engineer and manager in the far distant past. I can't feel comfortable without means of self sufficiency where possible. and my tool kit comes with me. Full set ratchet and socket spanners, slipjaw pliers, Mole Wrench. Multimeter, spare cable with connectors and crimps, Water pipe spare fittings. Duct , self amalgamating and insulation tapes. Fuses, nuts bolts washers. Trolleyjack. etc etc.

Over the past 17 years no trip has not seen some of these used avoiding delay, inconvenience and expense. Mostly, it has to be said, in assisting other caravanners, but to paraphrase you can take the old man out of engineering but you can't take engineering out of the old man !
Nov 16, 2015
RayS said:
Sorry guys, your lists make me feel quite vulnerable. But I am talking of what to take to Europe.
Having been an industrial service engineer and manager in the far distant past. I can't feel comfortable without means of self sufficiency where possible. and my tool kit comes with me. Full set ratchet and socket spanners, slipjaw pliers, Mole Wrench. Multimeter, spare cable with connectors and crimps, Water pipe spare fittings. Duct , self amalgamating and insulation tapes. Fuses, nuts bolts washers. Trolleyjack. etc etc.

Over the past 17 years no trip has not seen some of these used avoiding delay, inconvenience and expense. Mostly, it has to be said, in assisting other caravanners, but to paraphrase you can take the old man out of engineering but you can't take engineering out of the old man !

Ray as A retired but still licenced aircraft, engineer, I did notice there was no mention of a cool box with wine or beer in case of real breakdown.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Hutch, the heading is 'useful Spares' not 'Essentials' ! I work to a high degree of redundancy for such things.
By coincidence somewhere in the attic is a piece of paper stating I am qualified to work on Smiths Flight System and SEP Autopilot equipment but there are not too many Viscount 600/ Comet/ Britannia about these days to need my services. Some industrial control systems handling hazardous materials e.g. hydrogen and solvents use two out of three voting and the tree sensors must not come from the same supper or batch if at all possible. Seems like Mr Boeing has relapsed a bit these days.
Nov 16, 2015
RayS said:
Hi Hutch, the heading is 'useful Spares' not 'Essentials' ! I work to a high degree of redundancy for such things.
By coincidence somewhere in the attic is a piece of paper stating I am qualified to work on Smiths Flight System and SEP Autopilot equipment but there are not too many Viscount 600/ Comet/ Britannia about these days to need my services. Some industrial control systems handling hazardous materials e.g. hydrogen and solvents use two out of three voting and the tree sensors must not come from the same supper or batch if at all possible. Seems like Mr Boeing has relapsed a bit these days.

Ray they can use your Knowledge on the Britts at Duxford, they have an old Monarch Airways one there, I worked for Airline Engineering for a time an remember topping the oils up on the Britts engine with the props in the wrong position, lots of oil on the hanger floor. Oopps.


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