Hi AnastieByte,
Good luck with your first caravan.
I don't know if you have towed anything before but towing a caravan can make your car feel a bit strange. Particularly if the caravan is unladen. The stability can be a worse unloaded so be careful not to tow too fast when empty.
A good habit to get into is double checking everything. Make sure the car and caravan tyre pressure are correct. Check the wheel nut torque (tightness) is correct. When coupling to the car wind the jockey down to lift the back of the car slightly to check the coupling lock is on properly. Lastly check the lights all work.
Please remember the extension mirrors, most car/caravan combinations require them to get a good rear view and be legal.
Also check your car insurance covers you for towing. The policy on the car only gives third party cover for the caravan. To cover the caravan for damage or theft whilst not connect to your car then separate insurance needs to be purchased.
Don't be taken in by the endless list of gadgets and gizmos available for caravans. Keeping it simple is the best way to go.
Leveling a caravan across the caravan can be done using a few off cuts of timber placed under the low side wheel. Remember if using levelling ramps they work best if you reverse up them as the auto release function of the caravan brakes could make the caravan roll back off the ramps.
I'm sure you will get on fine simply because you are trying to find out more about caravanning by using the s forum.
We have all seen the Moss covered caravans that have been dragged out for the annual trip to the coast wobbling around on the motorway. Simply asking questions makes caravans more enjoyable and safer.