VIN Chip Plus

Nov 26, 2008
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Has anyone fitted this to their van or had experience (unfortunately of course) of it's efficiency in a caravan theft ?
I understand that all 2016 vans will be fitted with it.
May 7, 2012
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I am all for fitting anything that makes recovery easier but I am not convinced by these. They would only be discovered if the police actually suspected the caravan for some reason and checked it which is pretty remote and by then the caravan might have been used by the thieves or people they sold it on to and would you then want it back.
I would be more in favour of tracker or something similar which could draw the police attention to it or at least get it recovered before it was used again.
Mar 14, 2005
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The use of the chip is unlikely to make much difference to the low life that are intent on stealing caravans. It is not a visible deterrent, and it its doesn’t flag up that a caravan has been stolen, any more than the etched windows.

Its potential advantage is that it may be a little harder for the thieves to change the identity of a caravan because we are told the chips will secreted around the caravan. However I am certain it will soon become quite common knowledge where they tend to be fitted, and the serious criminals will develop methods to detect, remove or disable them.

Just as Raywood has pointed out, The chip will only be of any use if a caravan is already suspected of having been stolen, and the authorities investigating have the necessary gear to detect and read the chip and actually choose to look for the chips. It’s essentially a secondary identification process.

Morally of course, a caravan should be returned to its rightful owner, but in practice what you actually get back may not be in a condition you would consider fit for use. If these chips make this more likely then it’s debatable if they are desirable thing or not.

There will of course be an on cost to caravans to have them fitted, It is unlikely to reduce insurance premiums, and it’s unlikely to reduce insurance claims, as the cost of refurbishing a damaged stolen caravan is quite possibly as much as writing it off. And they're highly unlikely to raise the priority of caravan theft with the police.

Given the real life practicalities It’s almost like a solution that looking for a problem.
Nov 26, 2008
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Some interesting replies. I wasn't convinced but my husband was keen, so I told him I'd ask for some views on here. Since speaking to CRIS and reading this he's not so convinced either now ! Many thanks
Aug 8, 2015
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Hi Pinto,

We have had this system (cris extra) on our previous caravan.

It is supplied in a small tube rather like a lip balm size. It is a vary sticky clear thick liquid which has within it many thousands of tiny dots. We dabbed this liquid all over our van on the walls under seats etc etc.
After a couple of hours you could not see anything anywhere except in one particular place where I went over the top and did it above the door so that I could remember where it was,.
I am told that each dot contained all the information the police would require to prove ownership, though this could not be proved to us and thankfully we never needed to make use of it.

Two things stand out with us now..
1. is the new owner aware of all this and if the caravan was stolen and recovered, would it be returned to us?
2. would we buy it again........No.

We would not want the caravan back after that type of person who would steal it has used it.


Phil and Carole


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