... and another glorious day today so more gardening.
I hoovered the sludge out of my little pond yesterday so I'm going to net some tadpoles from the bigger pond to put in there before they get gobbled up by the fish. The pond skaters were back yesterday, nice to see them. We've got a bumble bee nesting under a patio slab at the bottom of the garden close to where one nested last year. Lovely creatures
I'm just hoping we don't have any late frost else it's goodbye to my plums and cherries. Both are out in flower.
Yes ya ol' tyke, the ants are a pain in the aspidestra and so are the queen wasps. I've caught quite a few inside this year looking for somewhere to start building a nest. Last year one started to build a nest hanging inside my shed and another was building a nest under a rock by my pond. Neither survived His Windyships wrath
It's a pity really because wasps are benificial. They catch lots of pests like flies and bluebottles. It's in autumn that they become a nuisance when they have no honeydew from their larvae to feed on so come to us looking for sweet stuff like fruit.