I hope that this bout of cellulitis clears up Thingy, the bad news is that it's well nigh impossible to get rid of it completely.
You've probably been bitten by a nasty flying insect, a mosquito or a horse fly and the bacteria was transferred to you from it.
The antibiotics should clear it up but you'll need to be careful where flying insects are around in future, around ponds or lakes for instance.
I had a very bad bout a few years ago, I'd slept with the caravan windows open on a warm night and something had been feasting on my leg as I slept, it was covered in lumps that I didn't worry too much about at the time.
I spent a week in hospital because the infection turned to pneumonia, and my right leg became a terrible mess.
I also had a less severe bout this summer, the culprit was one of the thousands off horse flies around St Ives in June, so more antibiotics.
Be careful when wearing shorts Thingy, you never know when the wee beasties will strike again
Sorry Parksy, missed your post, must have come in as I was replying to OC.
It looks very much like you and I have the same problem. With the forces, I travelled the world and have experience of the jungle in Belize where there are some real nasty beasties (anyone else remember the basher beatles at sundown?) but they never bothered me beyond the norm. Then some good few years back I was taking a load to Matasinhos in Portugal and had took a mate along for the ride. Unable to backload until the Monday we parked the unit on the beach with all the other trucks, cold misty November, salt water, windy, so should have been safe. My mate was a smoker and so I had the windows open a crack. Mel on the top bunk had no problems, I awoke with 200 plus mozzie bites on one side of my face which put me in hospital. Since then I have been really prone to problems with insect bites, and like you, particularly in Cornwall, horse flies love me and they make a proper mess. Two years back at St Mawes I was bitten by a tiny yellow fly on the wrist, by lunchtime I could see my veins reddening and it had reached my elbow. Royal Cornwall was a six hour wait so I went to a drop in centre at Redruth. Seen in twenty mins by an ex forces South African Doctor who sorted me out.
It happens every time I forget to use Skin So Soft and my wife mullahs me for it.
Dusty, we were concerned about the holiday as with Dornafield you pay upfront to get the low season deals, but they have very kindly moved it on to the same weeks next year. I have just booked 19 days at Hawes for November. Never been up there that late but I now have this vision of the Hawes pubs with a roaring fire on a cold wet windy night, and copious amounts of the foaming brew known as Theakstons Old Pec. I am beginning to think that its not such a bad thing after all.

Maybe even a similar night up at Tan Hill :evil:
Arent I lucky Elaine doesnt drink