Whale heating system at fault

Jun 17, 2020
Hi, I am having a heater issue on my 2015 Elddis Avante Caravan. Message on my display highlighting my ‘error’ is blocked flue, I have checked and there is no blockage. The heater is trying to pump air however it starts and then functions intermittently. I have no re-set button on my system that I can find and I am at a loss as to how to sort this. The problem started when my battery failed and I had to change over to a new one from this point on the system would not function properly, it tries to get going and runs for perhaps 30 seconds and then intermittent attempts to start and just keeps trying but won’t start. I have had to disconnect as it continues to try and start up but never does. Any ideas anyone?
Mar 14, 2005
Without any doubt the heater needs to be serviced by suitably qualified personnel.

Whale are usually very helpful, give then a call.


Mar 17, 2007
We had a “blocked flue” issue when we pitched in a site and the wind was coming directly onto the heater outlet. It is a known issue for whale heaters apparently. Solved by moving the aquaroll in front of the flue to deviate the wind ( but not blocking the flue), resetting the whale panel, and most importantly finding the two reset buttons for the space heater and water heater located on the whale equipment under the front benches. This involved a good light and best glasses as they are small and not obvious.
Of course, this may not be the cause of your fault.
Good luck
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Jun 17, 2020
Hi Mel,

Thanks for the reply. I will take a close look in the area you advised and hopefully find the re-set buttons. I must confess I didn’t look in this area though I scoured the area under the bed above where the heating unit is sited.


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