Whale Water Pump problem

Oct 23, 2018
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Can anyone help with diagnosing a water pump issue we have?

We have a Whale external pump which goes into the caravan through a pressure switch socket. The socket is fitted with Whale's IC auto system which (as I understand it) is supposed to auto adjust the pressure switch and also sense when the pump is running dry and turn it off. It's worked fine up to this week.
At the moment the pump runs continuously with or without water. It clearly builds up pressure as in one case it blew off the blue inlet pipe!
I guess the problem could be the pump, the pressure switch or the IC unit. - but how to identify the problem? Or could it be something I haven't thought of?
Any ideas welcome.
Jul 15, 2008
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....check all three wires are still attached to the IC unit.
........make sure there are no leaks.
......and then try recalibrating.

Mar 14, 2005
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Fundamentally if the pump continues to run it tells me two things, firstly that power is being constantly sent to the pump, and secondly the pump iruns.

We also know that the pump is capable of delivering a reasonable pressure, because you tell us it blew a connection. It also tells us that the system that detects the water pressure has not switched the pump off, when the pressure has risen beyond a normal working pressure.

Now I'm not familiar with the details of the whale system you have, but the symptoms suggest three possible failure modes and it could be one or more of them.

It could be the transducer that senses the pressure has failed,

It could be the circuit that interprets the output from the transducers has failed

It could be the component that switches the pump's current has failed. If it is a relay it could be (edit) the contacts have welded.

May I suggest you phone Whale who are usually very helpful with their products.
Jul 18, 2017
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I think it's the same system in my elddis,it doesn't turn it off when Aqua roll empty,I don't think. I suspect one of the taps is calling for water?maybe a faulty tap?give the taps a good open and shut etc.. Then reconnect outside and see what's happening.
Sorry I can't be more help,but as not there it's a bit hard to tell.
Mar 14, 2005
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It shows how out of touch you get. I have just looked at GafferBIlls posting an video, adn clearly the wale system has significantly changed the the way pumps can be operated. SO please forget my lats sugegstion about relay contacts welding.

It certainly would be worth trying to recalibrate the unit on your caravan. IF can make sure you carry a set of instructions with you should you encounter the problem again.

I hope this resolves the problem for you.
Oct 23, 2018
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Thanks All.
I've tried re-calibrating the IC but it was on site and under time pressure.
I'll try again over the weekend with a bit more care and see if it fixes the problem.
Jan 9, 2018
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Hi Sinc,
My name is Rachel and I work in the marketing team for Whale, I wanted to offer some help.
Please contact our Customer Support Team who will do all they can to assist you with your query. Contact details below.
Tel: 02891 270531 (weekdays) or 0845 217 2933 (weekends)
Email: info@whalepumps.com
Alternatively send me the best number to get you on in a private message/email and I will get one of our team to give you a call back.
Best wishes
Nov 16, 2015
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Whale said:
Hi Sinc,
My name is Rachel and I work in the marketing team for Whale, I wanted to offer some help.
Please contact our Customer Support Team who will do all they can to assist you with your query. Contact details below.
Tel: 02891 270531 (weekdays) or 0845 217 2933 (weekends)
Email: info@whalepumps.com
Alternatively send me the best number to get you on in a private message/email and I will get one of our team to give you a call back.
Best wishes

Rachell, thanks the Whale team are always first of the Caravan " bits" ie pumps Fridges, etc. To reply to this forum. .
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Sinc & Rachel,

There is little better than when a manufacturer really tries to help its ultimate customers. I know from my own experience that on the face of it, customer problems and complaints are often seen by sellers and manufacturers as wholey negative thing that wastes time and resources. But some organisations see such issues as an opertunity to help the customer. The information it produces is a very usefull resource to can help improve the organisations approach to product and service design.

This forum does not allow name and shame posting but it does allow users to report good service, so Sinc, please do let us know if and how Rachel of Whale's intervention helped. :)

I thought I'd check to see if Whale (Munster Simms) are infact accredited with ISO standards for quality Mange ment adn I found this which some of you might find interesting.


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