What is a caravan to you

Feb 9, 2006
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A spoof topic has just been deleted, but set me to thinking. What is a caravan to you? Is it a :-

freedom to go where & when you want

affording a holiday

lots of breaks

we use ours for holidays, going round the country fishing for trout, I also work away from home a lot, so use the van as a base. I do not like (& can't afford) hotels

What other reasons are there for owning a caravan
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Terry

Where do you start,I have a photo album building up of my family in some fab places that we would never have got to if not for the caravan,my fave the top of white horse hill!! We love theme parks and can now get to some of the furthur afeild ones and stay over,I dont like hotels,b and b's because of the regime for brekkys etc.., caravanning is just so exciting and relaxing at the same time, I love it ! Would love to take it abroad one day when kids are a bit older.

My mum said if she won the lottery I wouldnt have to go caravanning anymore,(she is a seasoned two week beach frazzler!!)she was so wrong,I would just buy a whole new outfit!!!!! More importantly of all the kids LOVE it and thats all that matters !

Tina x
Mar 14, 2005
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hi terry, our caravan is or country cottage, and escape from the city noise,a super hobby where we meet and make some realy good freinds, and have lots of fantastic holidays happy vaning peter
Mar 14, 2005
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It's a lead weight around our necks Terry. It requires servicing, insuring, stocking, towing and a big car to tow it with. It also requires cleaning, storage and on going bills to be paid. It still needs the site fee's paying when I use it and I don't get out in it enough, nowhere near enough. So there you go, that's what it means to us.

What, Holidays and breaks? Absolutley brilliant, you don't think we do all the above just because we want to keep Bailey in profit do you? For all its cost, I don't know better way of getting away.

And I get to be a member of this forum too!
May 25, 2005
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Our caravan is our 'second home'! We love to escape the rat race and meet like-minded people. Its amazing how many friends can be made (not so in a hotel/boarding house). We can lounge around all day, or go out on a trip. We can eat in or out. I now know what self-sufficient means. Life becomes relaxed, even in the pouring rain/sleet/snow! Nobody moans and most are light- hearted. Caravanning suits us down to the ground.
Dec 1, 2005
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To us, our caravan means we can explore the countryside, go away and not have to kennel our 2 dogs, (last holiday they both came home with kennel cough) - and for my husband to get away from his extremely busy (and erratic) work schedule at the drop of a hat.

As much as we love flying, I hate the weather abroad, it's too hot!

Can't wait for our first holiday in our van, in March this year - looking forward to meeting people, and of course, being able to chat to people on this forum.

Lolly x
Mar 14, 2005
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The majority of replies to this topic see the caravan as an escape from the rat race we take as modern day living. Unfortunately that escapism is soon over when the holiday/break is over and the rats are running again. Oh to be an optimist. My pesimistic outlook on life has prevented me from being an optimist.
Apr 11, 2005
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We use owner caravan lot it means we can do what we like when we like and get a way when we like to and come back home when we like to.



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