What make of dog do you own?

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Aug 9, 2006
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We have Elly aka as Smelly, a red and white Staffie ***** and Jake aka ****** a lab cross, both rescue dogs.

They are both adorable but a little adventurous so cant be let loose as they will be off to the nicest van on the site and get there paws under the table!

They obviously come with us but have to be caged when we aren't watching them. Jakes speciality is to limbo under the pegged down awning.



Apr 5, 2006
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Hi all,

our doggy is called Poppy, she is a Siberian Husky who is nearly a year old and has more energy than anything we have ever met, we are up at 05:30am weekday mornings to walk her but even she will sleep untill 09:30am when on the 6'x7" caravan bed with us, not sure she will be allowed on the bed when the new Fleetwood Heritage comes in December, but then again she is one of the family.

Apr 27, 2006
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I cannot be the only one with a mongrel! Mine is a seven year old rescue dog called Lady (Tramp would have been more appropriate), old owner could not cope as Lady was wild and uncontrollabe and when one of them died they put her into the RSPCA.

Lady is a Staffy x Rhodesian Ridgeback x Greyhound type. Beautiful tan and white and very loving, too loving at times. She is totally unwild and certainly not uncontrollable.

Although she is docile any other dog starting a fight she will not stand off and gets in there, although on the words "come away" she will walk away.

Started taking her caravaning when I got into caravaning last year and she loves it. She is the one that gets loose on site, had to buy a metal lead so she cannot chew through it and the one that all the kids want to take for walks!
Sep 27, 2006
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We have a 1 year old chocolate lab. She absolutley loved the caravan last year she used to sleep under our bed but that was when she was only about 5 months old this year she has grown a few inches so have not got a clue where she is going to decide to sleep.
i have two chocolate labs, stan is one and betty is 10 months and they love to go caravanning. fantastic dogs, good temprement.


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