What was that all about????

Dec 30, 2009
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These mods and the technical boys at pc MUST sort this out. Iv just read all the threads from last night, what an absolute ar*e.

It just beggers belief that 1 person can cause such havoc and nothing be done against them. Come on PC get your act together
Dec 1, 2005
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As I have posted this morning Kevin, I totally agree with you.

This childish behavious has to be stopped now, otherwise where will it all end up.

Thought we are supposed to all get along together?

Jan 19, 2008
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We had visitors last night and they didn't leave until 1.30am but I logged on after to see what I'd missed. The answer was basically nothing. At least at one time some of Kanga's remarks made me chuckle but last night I couldn't even raise a smirk. Sorry Kanga but if that was your best you are wasting your time. As I have said before I dont find Kanga's postings as offensive as some and last night was an annoyance more than anything, repetitive infantile retorts. If you are going to post at least try a little humour in them, last night you was scraping the bottom of the barrel. I'm glad to see His Moddyship has deleted them because they were meaningless :O(
Dec 16, 2003
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I Hope I have not offended anybody with what I posted and I apologise to MOD1 if I went a little to far!

I'm part of nobody's gang and respect others views. I tried a slightly different approach last night as allthough you would seek to ignore, some sort action seemed to be needed in my mind.

Regards to all

Dec 16, 2003
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You call that restraint Mr CliveV, I saw nothing less than a fascist attack by you on the wise one at around midnight.

I thing I can speak for Lord B , Steve and others and say we're pleased we are not in your gang ;-0
Dec 30, 2009
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Did anyone notice the incredible restraint I applied to myself!

No I thought not

You can go off people you know!!
A round of applause for clive hura hura

No realy very good clive im impressed, you must av been smokin that weed again!
Jan 19, 2008
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A round of applause for clive hura hura

No realy very good clive im impressed, you must av been smokin that weed again!
You didn't show as much restraint as I did Clive, I didn't even make one post. Not being online might have had something to do with it but I still beat you :OP
Mar 14, 2005
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If any posts were made last night in my name were NOT me!

I was out until the wee small hours!

So not much restraint on my part really!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi folks after last night's shinanigans it is great to read friendly harmless banter among like minded people. He/she/it did get me very annoyed last night and I have been expecting to have my knuckles rapped by Mr. Mod. but I seem to have got away with it.
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi folks after last night's shinanigans it is great to read friendly harmless banter among like minded people. He/she/it did get me very annoyed last night and I have been expecting to have my knuckles rapped by Mr. Mod. but I seem to have got away with it.
heyyyyyyyyy Colin, I thought you were supposed to be watching the rugby or was it too painful mate ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Colin

I know it is easy to get annoyed - and believe me when I genuinely believed it was an adult that was being so obnoxious - I too got a bit ratty.

But now we know it is a little "nerdy no-mates" - who gets his/her rocks off by trying to upset normal people who happen to be caravanners - I find I have nothing but contempt and sympathy for the little guy.

If we deal with him/her with firmness and restraint ( I do NOT believe that ignoring any problem makes it go away) he/she could end up rejoining the human race!
Mar 14, 2005
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Cris it will take a lot to get my back up, my wife and son have the firery tempers in this house (her side of the family) however that so and so last night really did get me going. Like Clive I hope I did not offend any body else with my postings and my control of the bad language - if so please accept my apologies.
Mar 14, 2005
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Cris it will take a lot to get my back up, my wife and son have the firery tempers in this house (her side of the family) however that so and so last night really did get me going. Like Clive I hope I did not offend any body else with my postings and my control of the bad language - if so please accept my apologies.
This apology is also to you Mr. Mod. just in case you are thinking of punishing me for bad behaviour.
Mar 14, 2005
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Me too, smiley.I always seem to miss the nasty bits.One of my funny comments was deleted,and I don't make many of those.Brain generally too slow!
Mar 14, 2005
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Hopefully we can now get back to having a laugh (but not at other peoples expence) and sorting out techy problems.

Glad you enjoyed the "Banter" Maureen.


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