Whats wrong with 1% of Wardens

Feb 16, 2009
We've been back Caravanning now six years, the last time was in the early eighties for 8 years, in all that time we have never been spoken to the way we were when we reached our site 2 weeks ago last Friday and believe it or not a top Grade CC site.

Let me explain then you can draw your own conclusions.

We had just drove for 41/2 hours and admittedly arrived 15 minutes early so we parked in the lane where night Halts stay, you couldn't go further has there were bollards in place so you couldn't pull up at reception.

The wife asked me to take dogs a walk down the lane off the site to relieve them selves, so doggy bag in hand encase they did a number two has well by the way we have been to this site for the last 3 years running so we know it well, the wife got out the same time has me to go to reception to book in.

Now this is when we were hit with what l can only describe has a despicable rant at us and l quote the Lady warden "don't you dare leave your vehicle, my answer but the dogs need to relive themselves after 4 hour journey, your not letting those dogs fowl on my site, my answer not taking them on site but down the lane, her answer to that was you are early, the wife then entered the discussion but only fifteen minutes and we don't expect to enter site until you allow us to, the warden reiterated you should not arrive early, wife answered we are sorry we made better time than expected.

The wife then realised why was she trying to explain her self to Warden and said Nigel don't argue with her take the dogs down the lane and l will stay with the car which l did, on returning her husband was glaring at me so l said l had better clear this misunderstanding up, started to walk towards him where he beat retreat behind the reception building, with that wife got out and went to reception, booked in and said in all our caravanning experience we have never been talked to like this before she said to the warden l am district nursing sister of 40 years and not some young thug entering your site where may l say we have been coming for the last 3 years and with that left.

Now l have been a big supporter on this forum defending all the wardens but those of you that have experienced this sort of aggression yes aggression of this sold called 1% of Wardens l apologise, l will be contacting the CC over this matter, no l will not name and shame the site.

We had wonderful time why were their hot weather for fortnight nice people around us lovely Norfolk Countryside and Coast but we always had that feeling of how we were greeted, wouldn't it have been nice if she had said, have you had a nice journey, would you mind taking your dogs down the lane and l am sorry but we can't let you on until 12 noon, now that's all it would have taken to start two week holiday off to good start, oh and by the way if the said warden monitors this forum it is not your site its our site the CC members.

Rant over

NigelH new nick name Heethers.
Mar 14, 2005
Hi Nigel

Sorry to hear your sad tale, but the 1% of 'difficult' wardens leave 99% who are superb,we have been lucky in 16 years we have only come across one member of the 1% club and that was CCC site in Sussex, near a leisure centre on a hill. Like you say it spoils your stay and all you can do is complain and keep an eye out for the warden's name and steer clear of any sitet hey may be on in the future. It could have been worse, it could have rained all the time as well. Hope you get better treatment next time you go away.
Jan 2, 2010
I think the action you are taking namley complaining to the C.C is the best thing you can do. I would not put up with being spoken to in that manner, how the hell are you supposed to time your journy with such acuracy that you arrive bang on time.

I myself am not a member of the C.C and this sort of post does little to make me want to join.

Hopfully this is a one off for you and hopfully the C.C will act upon your complaint.

Good luck and with a bit of luck the wardens will get all that they deserve.
Mar 14, 2005
Dont know if it is the same site but we were booked onto a CC site in Norfolk for the Witsun weekend. On the friday I phoned the site to ask if we could arrive before 12. Last year the warden had said come as early as you like. Obviously different wardens this year as my question was met with a lecture about not arriving before 12. Now I dont mind being told no, after all the arrival time is 12. What I object to is being lectured like a school boy. I could've understood if I had arrived at the gate at 9 in the morning, but even then I would expect to have been spoken too in a polite manner.
Jan 21, 2014
Oh dear, we shall be using this site over the Christmas period!

I shall armour myself with my top line sarcasm, that should do the trick. PMSL!!
Sep 23, 2008
We had a similar experience at Trewethet Farm last year. Woman warden was very aggressive, though not about a dog. They became aggressive at the gate on sign in and it continued from there. In fact watching her deal with other people was quite amusing.

Needless to say we have not been back, though the location is excellent.

I do think, that being a club, people are not likely to complain as they feel part of something. We dont bother to say anything, but always praise when you come across good ones who seem to be in the majority.
Jan 2, 2010
Those of you that have had bad expiences of these wardens MUST write those concerned. In no way would I put up with this from anyone who is there to provide ME with a service and whos wages I help to pay.

These people need weeding out and getting rid of for the good of all those that follow.
Dec 13, 2007
Of course you should complain if you are spoken to and treated in this way, if you do not you are not entitled to be offended by this bad behaviour. My caravanning friends had a similar experience on a CC site in the south west a few years ago, it was the lady of the couple who was the offender, we nicknamed her the rottweiler!!! I'm told their names do not appear as wardens any more, perhaps they have retired.

In a service industry where salaries are paid by the members this behaviour is unacceptable and the CC should be disciplining their staff.
May 18, 2007
I remember being almost chased around a site because I had dared to let my front wheel drive on the grass.

The warden,not there now,proceeded to rant at me telling me it had taken him months to get the grass looking so good. This is on a site where they close grass pitches after a rain shower because of the very poor drainage system - my groundsheet is still showing signs of mud 6 years on !!

In my opinion some wardens act as though they are doing you a favour by letting you stay on their site.Being as though they are employees and not owners they are not bothered whether you go back to the site or not.
Mar 14, 2005
We went to White House Beach at Easter, not getting at older people as I'm one my self, But did find the Warden there very very rude, Walk round the site like a police officer head held high,

But they did't do a good job of cleaning the toilets very bad!!



Nov 12, 2009
Forum members are reminded to read Forum Etiquette with particular regard to Rule 4 when submitting posts which contain complaints.

These matters should be taken up with those concerned at the time.
Feb 16, 2009
Had a reply from the CC last week about the compaint l made, l am happy that the CC will take this matter up and resolve the issue through their compaints procedure.

Jul 11, 2006
Many years ago there used to be a CC site down in the mid south where the warden was an ex-naval commander. He used to get on the (flat) rood of the toilet block and check what everyone was doing using binoculars!!
May 21, 2008
Well done Heethers.

Some wardens are quite honestly abismal and they are not solely the preserve of the CC.

I have to "suffer" one myself. I only do this because we need the pitch.

On the whole we have met some very good wardens over the 28 years we have been caravanning.

I did ask if this forum and PC could perhaps start a project aimed at congratulating the good hard working wardens, but all I got was praise them via site reviews. As with any caravan site, warden jobs are seasonal and sure enough the good wardens are invited back to sites on a regular basis. So while the site recieves a great review, the warden who perhaps has spent 5+ years creating a well kept site and having good rapor with customers is left as a cog in the wheel of the site and not noticed.

Like wise I support the naming and shaming of bad sites, companies etc as without any form of noticable complaint route a lot of people just dismiss complaints as "moany old gits".

To be honest if I was the warden at the site you visited, I'd of put the kettle on and made a cuppa for you, because by the time you'd of drank it, the 15 mins would of passed and everyone would of been happy. In my factory I used to have a small vending machine which fitted on a coffee table, which anyone could get a free cup of tea, coffee, soup or hot chocolate from while they waited for me or they waited for their lorry to be unloaded. It cost us about
Feb 27, 2010
Perhaps the CC should run a few customer care courses for some of the wardens.

I have in all honesty only come across one nasty little warden and that was years ago near Bournemouth. The hubby was very pleasant but she was like a mini version of Stalin.
Jun 17, 2011
Sorry to hear of your bad experience and you should not be spoken to like that. However you should not have arrived early. Last year we left a cc site at 1100 to meet a unit trying to get in. The lane was narrow and he couldn't reverse. He should not have been there. This year at another CC site with very tight pitches I could not get off without danger of grounding my van because a motorhome had arrived at 1030 and was waiting for my pitch.
Jun 20, 2005

I am surprised. I've been a number of times and always been met with pleasant joviality, particularly by the blonde lady warden. In fact this is one of the few CC sites that turns a blind eye to the 12.00pm rule.

See the other posts on Trewethett Farm.


Feb 16, 2009
Dusty this was our third visit to the site and never had a problem before; yes we arrived early 15 minutes early, due to a good run from Cheshire.

l am hoping it was a bad hair day but no way will l accept to be lectured when the only thing l done was to take my two Yorkies down to the front gate to relieve them selves, l had just got one dog out when the lecture began to me and also to my wife.

I had not even drove up to the gate but had parked well back and was not blocking the entrance, to be lectured like l was an school boy l will never accept not at 58 years of age by anyone hence my complaint to the CC, as far has l am concerned the matter is now closed and l hope the CC have had a little word about etiquette.



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