I had 65 office staff all running cnc machines and power presses. They never looked down on the shopfloor from their pedestal of the office after that.
Nice to see the them and us attitude being propagated.
Mmmm , HSE would have had a field day., Untrained, un qualified personel operating machinery.... thats is in direct breach of all HS rules and laws. Your company would nto have been insured. Who carried out the risk assesment?
The attitude towards customers b y some posters sums up everything that wrong with this country. Those customers paid your wages.
The most important asset the company had was not the drivers but the customers.
As for berating office staff, i suspect that instead of leaving school and going out getting drunk , they carried on studying perhaps combining work and night school, trying to better them selves and create a more prosperous future and better working conditions for themslves and their future famllies.
From your posts i suspect you have little knowlwdge of management and the responsibilty that comes with the job. Amongst all the complaining thay you have done , did you once get of your backsides, go to night school, take up some form of further education, try to better yourselves so that perhaps you too could work in cosy office.After all , if you know so much already about how a business operates, and with hands on driving experience you would be a valuable company rescourse. You probably already know about ROI caculations, P&L management , Health & Safety, Cost/Efficiency,Credit managemrnt, Accounting law,SPC , KPI.s , the list goes on and on.
During 2008/2009 as a Sales Manager for and engineering company i was accused by the shopfloor of not understanding what they did, how they did it,of bringing in the "wrong kind of work".
I spewnt 18months wondering and not sleeping about how could i ensure that 50 plus people would actually have a job for 2010. How many would be paying their mortgage and having food on the table. As a manager that was my responsibilty, and it caused me many sleepless nights. I also had to find ways of saving money, spending less., controlling costs and still try to keep the workforce fully employed.I was at work everyday for 7.30am and left after 6.30pm at night. I never got a lunch. Weekends were spent developing various business models , all in an attempt to keep the business in business and those guys employed.
All they could do was complain that they "had to do more little job".
Half way through 2010 i got so fed up with the complaining that a brought the 3 main moaners in to the offices for 2 weeks. After the 2 weeks i asked them where they would like to work, offices or shop floor. The all went back to the shop floor, and the feedback we got was they had a new appreciation of office work. It was not all drinking coffee and chating on the telephone. They were mentally exhausted and later admitted thatn the shop floor was easy.
PS, i started as an apprenctice tool,maker in 1978. I worked full time, i attended day realease and organised 2 extra nights per week at my expense. I did this for 5 years and got mY HND in engineering. I movend into the drg office . A few years later i took my self off to college again and polytechic at my cost to study for a degree. It took me 5 more years.
5 years ago i started a BA course , this took 2 years of my own time and money.
I am now on an Msc, again my money my time and with 2 young kids its not easy.
Rather that sitting on my arse and berating everyone i am doing something about it. What are you doing ?
They still have job, they still pay their mortgage