which club?

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Mar 14, 2005
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We tried both clubs, but stayed with the C&CC as we prefer the ambience of their sites. I like grass pitches and a general feeling of being part of the natural environment, but of course, others will differ and prefer the CC.

I absolutely agree that the rigid application of the
Jan 19, 2008
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:O( sorry chrissie, I can't agree with you on the magazine, it took me all of 5 minutes to skim through the CCC one. The paper is of an inferior quality which probably accounts for the graphics being of such poor quality. Every month the CC mag writes an article on 2 of its sites and writes features on interests close to their sites. I find the letters page more interesting too, probably because they aren't dealing with tenting issues as well. Summing it up the CC mag looks like a mag you would buy from a newsagent, the CCC mag is like the kind of junk mail you get through your letter box. Then again its a good thing we dont all like the same thing else it would be a more stressfull and boring world ;O)


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