who's who?

Mar 14, 2005
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Ok, bare with me on this, I'm just trying to make up a profile on the forums characters, let me know if I have this wrong or right!

Clive, he's your dads elder brother, been there, seen it, and can usually put the world to right, before lunch! Loves an argument and like a trapped animal, most lethal when his back is against the wall. Will offer the olive branch first, but might whip it away just as quick if your not to his liking.

Monkey, she's your mother's sister, younger and feistier than mom and more likely to get into trouble because of it. Practical and welcoming too, just don't step on her toes during the after drinks dance.

Daventura, the older brother. Says little as he thinks its up to you to grow up on your own, without any help. Will offer some sort of advice if the mood takes.

Kanga, the black sheep of the family or should that be the lovable rogue? Not directly related to anyone, but is tolerated because he adds spice to the evenings. Does not seek approval from anyone, but likes his little band of followers. Knows how to down a pint!

Lutz, he's the next door neighbour, is always out and about in the van, and when not usually has his head stuck in a manual. Can go to him for any advice as long as it's not about people. Treads the straight and narrow, salt of the earth.

Watson (John G), the dad, lets others get on with it, but is there when help is asked for. Largely ignored by the majority of the antagonists, as they know not to upset him. Respected, and sometimes revered, doesn't mind a joke but don't try pulling him down to your level.

John L, the drinking buddy. Good to go out with as he rarely gets smashed, so you know someone's going to be pointing you in the right direction when throwing out time comes.

Tina, your mom, like it or not. Downs too many health drinks, as her energy knows no bounds. Always looking to the future with a glint in the eye. Keep's dad on his toes though.

Klarky, the mate that owns the garage down the road. Can service your car to the highest standard, but gets worked up over a Rubik's cube. One of the streets elders, more likely to be chairing the evening debate, as apposed to being on the floor starting the argument.

That's as far as I have got, don't think because your not mentioned you might have escaped, mention no names (Chris, Ray, Icemaker etc)(and where is Brian these days?), your time is coming ;-)

So, am I close with the descriptions or am I gonna get barred!
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Lol !

Great reading !! not sure what you mean about the "your mom" bit !! Am a mummy but a very young one!! right about everything else though !! thats if Bacardi and coke is classed as a health drink that is !!!
Mar 14, 2005
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So you did choose Lol for laugh out loud !!

No offence taken

When my grandson bought me a key fob with "Grandad" I was pleased.

Even more pleased when I saw them in Halfords with the next one being "Boring old Fart"
Jan 19, 2008
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Well Lol I'll reserve judgement until you post about me ;O) but I will take you to task for calling Kanga a sheep and lovable at that. I'm not yet that desperate that I need to love a sheep. By the way did you hear that the Welsh have started wearing kilts because the sheep have got used to the sound of the zips on their flies.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lol, at last! Someone with a good humorous nature who can tolerate all the different souls who make up a world worth living in. I think you are spot-on, and I dont want to hear any of this this 'looking for higher moral ground barracks'!
Mar 14, 2005
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I feel left out. but please be kind. LOL

"Kind" is my middle name, well actually it's not, it's Percy, but would you advertise that fact? Nope thought not. So, is it Shiba or Glenice? Once again I find myself just a little confused.
Aug 9, 2005
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"Kind" is my middle name, well actually it's not, it's Percy, but would you advertise that fact? Nope thought not. So, is it Shiba or Glenice? Once again I find myself just a little confused.

Sorry Lol, I was the one confused, Shiba is the name I use on another Forum, it seems I am registered as Glenice on this one, hope I have unconfussed you, (I think thats what I mean) LOL.that's laugh out loud, not LOl, now I am confussed.
Aug 9, 2005
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"Kind" is my middle name, well actually it's not, it's Percy, but would you advertise that fact? Nope thought not. So, is it Shiba or Glenice? Once again I find myself just a little confused.

How can I expect you to be kind after all this confusion, unless of course you take pity on me, at least I have given you food for thought.perhaps you would rather stay hungry.
Jan 19, 2008
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Well well, what can I say Lol. When you said in your earlier post that my time was coming I didnt think you would get anywhere near to describing me. After I stopped laughing I asked my wife who it described and yes, she said me. Are you someone I know - hmmmm makes me wonder heheh. Your right, I do love to joke, I cant take life too seriously. I think that comes from 30 years in the Ambulance Service, if you didnt laugh and joke about incidents you attended you would quickly crack up. I realise that might sound callous but it was a fact. There was hardly an incident you can think of that I never attented, shootings hangings, drownings, burnings and 1000's of RTA's but you couldnt allow yourself to dwell on it and take it home. I was known at work for being a prankster but got on with most (except some of the asswipe bosses who got to their positions, not from what they know but ass-licking). I'm sure if I offered Monkey a coconut she would even forget our differences and be my friend - oops there I go again. Yes, I know I would get on with Ray and also the vast majority of people in here but my two failings are my stubborness and I'm not able to suffer fools gladly for which I apologise. If someone attacks me or a friend in here I will take up the challenge but what I wont do is sink to the level of personal name calling. I wont attack anyone first either. I try to be witty in what I say in trying to put the attackers down.I'm also very loyal to my friends as not only people in the game zone I spend a lot of time in but also in real life. Now then who is going to describe Lol. :O) Good one Lol, I had a good laugh over Part Two. Brian, try EBay for more Perry Como 78's. I wouldnt mind Caroline vetting my girlfriends, in fact I'd be proud if I could still pull them at my age. There will be no need to vet boyfriends, I'm not that way inclined and I have my street cred to think of. Theres no problem with Ray having forthright views and posting them - as long as they have been vetted and passed by Caroline. There shouldnt be any problem with the Martyn the Headmaster loosening his tie as long as its not his belt, reminds me of my schooldays and I come out into a cold sweat. Whats Roys address, free pork chops and hopefully 3 doggie bags, cant be bad. If Ray wants to carry on providing the sober side of conversations I hope he dont meet up with Hollowlegs Roy.
Jan 19, 2008
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Well well, what can I say Lol. When you said in your earlier post that my time was coming I didnt think you would get anywhere near to describing me. After I stopped laughing I asked my wife who it described and yes, she said me. Are you someone I know - hmmmm makes me wonder heheh. Your right, I do love to joke, I cant take life too seriously. I think that comes from 30 years in the Ambulance Service, if you didnt laugh and joke about incidents you attended you would quickly crack up. I realise that might sound callous but it was a fact. There was hardly an incident you can think of that I never attented, shootings hangings, drownings, burnings and 1000's of RTA's but you couldnt allow yourself to dwell on it and take it home. I was known at work for being a prankster but got on with most (except some of the asswipe bosses who got to their positions, not from what they know but ass-licking). I'm sure if I offered Monkey a coconut she would even forget our differences and be my friend - oops there I go again. Yes, I know I would get on with Ray and also the vast majority of people in here but my two failings are my stubborness and I'm not able to suffer fools gladly for which I apologise. If someone attacks me or a friend in here I will take up the challenge but what I wont do is sink to the level of personal name calling. I wont attack anyone first either. I try to be witty in what I say in trying to put the attackers down.I'm also very loyal to my friends as not only people in the game zone I spend a lot of time in but also in real life. Now then who is going to describe Lol. :O) Good one Lol, I had a good laugh over Part Two. Brian, try EBay for more Perry Como 78's. I wouldnt mind Caroline vetting my girlfriends, in fact I'd be proud if I could still pull them at my age. There will be no need to vet boyfriends, I'm not that way inclined and I have my street cred to think of. Theres no problem with Ray having forthright views and posting them - as long as they have been vetted and passed by Caroline. There shouldnt be any problem with the Martyn the Headmaster loosening his tie as long as its not his belt, reminds me of my schooldays and I come out into a cold sweat. Whats Roys address, free pork chops and hopefully 3 doggie bags, cant be bad. If Ray wants to carry on providing the sober side of conversations I hope he dont meet up with Hollowlegs Roy.
oops posted it under wrong thread
Aug 9, 2005
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How can I expect you to be kind after all this confusion, unless of course you take pity on me, at least I have given you food for thought.perhaps you would rather stay hungry.

Hi LOl, more confusion I have now change my name to Shiba, it is the name I use on other Forums, so don't want to confuss peeps.

Aug 9, 2005
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Hi LOl, more confusion I have now change my name to Shiba, it is the name I use on other Forums, so don't want to confuss peeps.


Just had another thought (dangerous!!) perhaps I should have called myself Confusser. He He. dread to think what you might say about me now.
Mar 14, 2005
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Just had another thought (dangerous!!) perhaps I should have called myself Confusser. He He. dread to think what you might say about me now.
Jesus wept Shiba! Think I need to go and lie down.... ; )


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