Why Butane and not Propane?

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Mar 14, 2005
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I was only talking about operating the 3 way fridge in the awning and with the manufacturers recommended clearance around it and, as you say, there is no chance of it getting knocked over.

I would never dream of using a BBQ anywhere closer than a minimum 1-2M from the awning, which is why I always find the recommended 2M pipe to be only just sufficient.

I have one of those little cartridge type gas heaters but have only used it facing in to an open awning from outside for some extra heat (bonfire night) with all the kids firmly sat on laps.

I have to be extra careful with anything like this anyway having 2 primary age schoolchildren.
Hello garry,

I did not say teh fridge codl not be knocked over, it can! I said it is more stable than a BBG etc.
Mar 14, 2005
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Further to RogerL's last post,

Some gas appliances are allowed to be vented into the area of a an awning, though ultimatley it would be better if thery were not.

The fridge is generally such a low powered device that for the reason that an awning is likely to be draughty the products of combustion will be diluted and dispated safely.

Items like the Carver/Truma water heaters are only intermitent in burning, and the average combustion time is quite low, so again the volume of fumes will not become a significant part of

the volume of the awning allowing for natural disipation.

Best practice would place all gas flues where the fumes cannot be exahsted into enclosed spaces even awnings.


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