Adjustments have been made to your forum account which should mean that you will no longer have to verify your posts Ray, please accept our apologies for the inconvenience
The problem is that because this website is constantly targeted by worldwide automated spammers (automatic computer generated systems which attempt to place unauthorised and inappropriate advertising material onto legitimate websites such as this one) a defence system had to be put in place.
Without this defensive software moderators would have needed to be on 24 hour watch 7 days a week in order to prevent this spam material from reaching our message boards and flooding the entire website with wholly inappropriate content such as pornography and adverts for adult material.
Unfortunately it can be difficult at times for our defensive anti-spam software to distinguish between genuine bona fide forum posts and spam material which is why the admittedly annoying verification sometimes operates when it shouldn't.
Over time this issue will sort itself out, we value our loyal forum members contributions to this forum and hope that they will try to bear with us while this process takes place.
If anyone experiences any difficulty whatsoever when adding forum posts please either use the 'Contact a Moderator' link or if possible give details on this message board and we can resolve the problem