Will there be an upsurge?

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Jun 20, 2005
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That must have been very early in the 60’s. I don’t know whether my parents were subjected to the same restrictions when they took me to Spain in 1963, but only a couple of years later in 1966 I drove on my own right up to the Arctic Circle and I’m sure I must have had more than £50 to do that even though I stayed at youth hostels on the way.
The restriction ran from early 1966, introduced by Harold Wilson’s labour government until he rescinded it on 2 January 1970 .
Mar 14, 2005
The restriction ran from early 1966, introduced by Harold Wilson’s labour government until he rescinded it on 2 January 1970 .
If that was so, I must have been affected on my trip to Norway. I just seems incredible that I would have managed to get all the way to the Arctic Circle and back on £50. On the other hand, if I remember rightly, petrol was less than half a crown (2s 6d) a gallon so maybe it’s not quite so surprising.
Actually, I did the same trip two years later and got as far as the North Cape so that must have been an even greater achievement.

ps: Sorry for digressing from the original topic of this thread.
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Nov 16, 2015
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You would be surprised at the number of hoops you have to jump through to get a visa just for a holiday in the UK. When my son in SA applied for his visa for a visit, he had to demonstrate that he was employed in SA and has permanent residence. The latter was very difficult as he is a game ranger.

Each time it meant driving to Pretoria so a round trip of over 500 miles and had to do that twice and even then the visa was not guaranteed. Annoyingly, I am British, his grandfather was British, his great grandfather British and all our forefathers were British!
"And your point is " There are rules for visiting the UK, just because of heritage family, does not mean immediate. Rights of entry.
Every country I have worked in, , Nigeria, Trinidad, Pakistan, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and India , all required Visas that took months to obtain. Even for simple visitor visas.
Jul 18, 2017
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"And your point is " There are rules for visiting the UK, just because of heritage family, does not mean immediate. Rights of entry.
Every country I have worked in, , Nigeria, Trinidad, Pakistan, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and India , all required Visas that took months to obtain. Even for simple visitor visas.
I do not recall stating that he should have right of entry due to heritage. I can understand why they are so stringent, but cannot understand why there is no issue if you come by boat? :worried:


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