Wonderful World

Jan 6, 2006
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Will someone please tell us who sings "What a wonderful world" on the Suzuki vitara advert, I think it's The Ramones and the wife thinks it helps to hit me over the head with a frying pan, I've not heard of them and the bong song is painful repetative.

Please hurry I'm runing out of functioning braincells at an alarming rate.
Mar 14, 2005
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Its funny that they pick that song for a 4x4. I suppose if there was a song called "A wonderful world so lets ruin it with pollution and dirty great wheel tracks", they would pick that.

Note the very last clip of the car on the road is where it will spend 99.99% of it's time.
Dec 16, 2003
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Is it not funny to accept that people can make personal choices and many parts of the world rely on 4x4's to able to maintain communication and infrastructure and provide modern day care to previously out back hard to access remote areas.

You are right of course that many 4x4's spend 90+ % of their lives on the road. But they do have the ability when needed to change the way they perform, and attack the trouble of off road ahead where other vehicles have to stop.

The R&D costs are huge on these cars and the little lady shopper in a Vitara or the like helps reduce the price world wide of these vehicles and make them price accesible to emergency services and many other worthy users.
Mar 14, 2005
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I think the advert achieves its aim of getting across the message that a 4x4 is better at crossing rivers, going up mountains, traversing Off Road obstacles etc etc.

That why I have a 4x4, (not a Suzuki) and so too does my GP, and my Vet, and my friend John who runs the equestrian centre and who is kind enough to let me store my caravan on his land.

His two sons both have 4x4's as well for their jobs as Farmer and Farrier respectively

Now all these vehicles spend more that 80% of their time off-road. Whilst there is some debate as the "need" for a 4x4 in an urban area - who is to say that someone who lives in, say, Croyden does not travel to the country or tow a caravan?

Once again the tired old diatribe from a someone who is now known to all of us for PRECISLY and EXACTLY what he is, is bending the facts, distorting the data and making an ass of himself.

It is a wonderful world, populated by a majority that can tell myth from reality and spin from the truth. We also have freedom of choice and a little Suzuki is more fuel efficient and takes up less space than most medium to large saloon cars. However, it will tow better and be more capable in difficult conditions than any equivalent sized saloon.

Make your own mind up guys - choose what suits you - not what some control freak wants you to have.
Dec 16, 2003
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An attractive Lady I know drives a Suzuki 4 X 4 up north and drops her kids at school in it quite often.

She suffered some verbal abuse at the school on the lines of the usual anti 4 X 4 tripe.

Some weeks later she was called out to an outlying hill farm where an old lady was ill. She made it through flooded roads and snow, and used the 4x4 to pull a tree clear from the road.

Emergency services ambulance was unable to get to the farm and the only 4X4 was out on another call, after a call to the doctors it was decided that my friend take the lady to the ambulance. The lady was in hospital for a few days but desperated to go home as her nurse agreed to make the difficult journey in her Suzuki each day the lady was able to return home.

On her weekend visit my friend saw a Mini in the ditch on the way to the farm, stopping to pick up a man and woman and child in the snow she was surprised to see a little girl from her daughters class and the abusive anti 4X4 mother on route to her grandmother who was the patient.

Even very attractive 5'11' blondes do needy jobs, so once again who are we to judge anothers choice.

Without her little 4x4 she would have trouble doing her job quite often. She once saved a farm workers trapped hand by driving into a field and using the car and tow rope to pull part of the turned over tractors cab off of the guy
Apr 11, 2005
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Good on her !I feel a factor in the reason she recieved abuse was not onLy owning a 4x4 but bieng attractive AND having a clever job All this and blonde too dare I say a bit of jealousy may have creeped in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina x
Mar 14, 2005
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Well put cris

Round here we do not have problems with the "antis" as there are more 4x4's than ordinary cars! But I remember getting "the look" from a bunch of the lentil, beads and sandles brigade in Salisbury a few years ago and then watched amazed as they all pilled into an old coach that liturally belched acrid black diesel fumes when it pulled away.

Amazing double standards as my old Range Rover ran on LPG and no doubt produced a fraction of the polutants that their vehicle produced.
Dec 16, 2003
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Good on her !I feel a factor in the reason she recieved abuse was not onLy owning a 4x4 but bieng attractive AND having a clever job All this and blonde too dare I say a bit of jealousy may have creeped in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina x
Funny thing was nobody knew what her job was as she took her kids to a school some miles from where she lived and never in uniform.
May 4, 2005
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Good on her !I feel a factor in the reason she recieved abuse was not onLy owning a 4x4 but bieng attractive AND having a clever job All this and blonde too dare I say a bit of jealousy may have creeped in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina x
UNIFORM!!!!! it gets better. ;~}
Dec 16, 2003
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Good on her !I feel a factor in the reason she recieved abuse was not onLy owning a 4x4 but bieng attractive AND having a clever job All this and blonde too dare I say a bit of jealousy may have creeped in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina x
Actually an old crazy friend now but ex girlfriend of over thirty years ago.

I still sometimes like to think of her without the uniform ;-) The old memory still works!

Don't tell the wife ;-0 Who is much much nicer anyway .
Apr 11, 2005
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Good on her !I feel a factor in the reason she recieved abuse was not onLy owning a 4x4 but bieng attractive AND having a clever job All this and blonde too dare I say a bit of jealousy may have creeped in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina x
down boys!!
May 4, 2005
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Good on her !I feel a factor in the reason she recieved abuse was not onLy owning a 4x4 but bieng attractive AND having a clever job All this and blonde too dare I say a bit of jealousy may have creeped in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina x
OMG Tina, you don't waste time ,do you !!!!!!!! :-}

Brian (",) dont forget my egg.
Dec 16, 2003
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Good on her !I feel a factor in the reason she recieved abuse was not onLy owning a 4x4 but bieng attractive AND having a clever job All this and blonde too dare I say a bit of jealousy may have creeped in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina x
I meant her school uniform, she had nice hot pants boots and halter neck top when we went clubbing.

Apr 11, 2005
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Right place at the right time!!!you know me,where theres a bit of sauce !!!!

Brian will get you an egg but cant guarentee I wont have eaten it along with all the others,its quite a trip for me to worcesteshire,and I DO so get the munchies while travelling !! (;

Tina x
May 4, 2005
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Good on her !I feel a factor in the reason she recieved abuse was not onLy owning a 4x4 but bieng attractive AND having a clever job All this and blonde too dare I say a bit of jealousy may have creeped in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tina x
Not seals I hope ;-(
Mar 14, 2005
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To get back to the original question- I don't have a telly, so haven't seen the advert, but Louis Armstrong sang "Wonderful World" originally.1960s I think,but I am old!


Mar 14, 2005
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Right place at the right time!!!you know me,where theres a bit of sauce !!!!

Brian will get you an egg but cant guarentee I wont have eaten it along with all the others,its quite a trip for me to worcesteshire,and I DO so get the munchies while travelling !! (;

Tina x

Shall we have strawberries dipped in warm melted chocolate with our wine?

Lisa xx


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