Hi we live in a city, and have a stove in our terrace house, best thing we did. There seem to be plenty of older houses getting renovated, and so plenty of scrap wood available, (just ask the skip owners permission). The stove throws off loads of heat, and so we hardly use our gass fire. We store wood in a garden tool container, in the yard, after it has been cut down to size. The bigger bits are in our garrage. Once the fire is lit, and drawing well, you can manage the heat. The other half loves it, and if we moved house, I would have another one, as the savings of gass etc are worth it. We collect wood throught the year, as once the colder weather hits, it can be eaten up at quite a rate, so a little forward planning is needed. Not too much mess, as wood tends to burn down to a fine ash. Another point is that we use it to burn any unwanted personal letters, so avoiding the need for a shreader!!!