Your claim to fame

Jan 19, 2008
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I was just wondering what other peoples claim to fame was - if any.

Mine was at the Malvern Spring Garden Festival at the Three Counties showground some summers ago. I was in the toilets having a piddle when Alan Titchmarsh had a wee next to me :O)

I was going to ask him for his autograph but then realised that while signing he might pee on MY shoes ..... look, no hands :O(

Guess what ... he never even washed his hands, those poor flowers he handled after.

What pleases me is that they say everyone in their life has 15 minutes of fame so in that case I'm still due another 14 minutes :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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My claim to fame was a personal phone call from the lovely Leslie Garrett. It's too long a story to relate here; lets just say that as her number one fan,, that call set me up for weeks!Oh, and she sang down the phone as well!
Jan 19, 2008
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My claim to fame was a personal phone call from the lovely Leslie Garrett. It's too long a story to relate here; lets just say that as her number one fan,, that call set me up for weeks!Oh, and she sang down the phone as well!
so .... maybe Alan never sang to me but we made water music together :O)


I am terrible sorry but if feeling that standing next to Mr Titchmarsh in a loo justifies a claim to fame, then I am glad to be on another planet.

I know that there are many many far more important people in this country who do not need to rely on an excruciating voice and a poor knowledge of gardening to make their claim to fame, or in his case just wealth.

I regret to say that I do not usually know who is standing next to me in time of bladder need, but recognise that they are just as important to somebody somewhere, as I am.
Jan 2, 2006
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Many of you will have heard of my claim to fame and that is my ancestor and indeed namesake was hung, drawn and quartered at the Tower of London in 1586 for plotting to replace Elizabeth 1 with Mary Queen of Scots.This the Babington Plot (check it on google)then gave rise to the Spanish Armada.The bulk of my ancestors lands etc went to the Earl of Shrewsbury and Sir Walter Raleigh.
Mar 14, 2005
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I can go one better than all previous postings as I have two claims to fame.

Initially I was classed as Britain's ultimate deterrant. Hitler shot himself in May as he knew I was being born in June. His last words were along the lines of "It's all I can take, I can take no more". The news of my impending birth proved more powerful than all our allies in the beating of Hitler.

My second claim to fame was that I was nursed as a baby by Lord Howe of Aberavon - in those days he was just Mr. Geoffrey Howe but as a result of my influence he achieved greater things and the ultimate honour of being made a true Lord of the Realm.

Beat that Lord B. if you can hehehehehe
Jan 19, 2008
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I can go one better than all previous postings as I have two claims to fame.

Initially I was classed as Britain's ultimate deterrant. Hitler shot himself in May as he knew I was being born in June. His last words were along the lines of "It's all I can take, I can take no more". The news of my impending birth proved more powerful than all our allies in the beating of Hitler.

My second claim to fame was that I was nursed as a baby by Lord Howe of Aberavon - in those days he was just Mr. Geoffrey Howe but as a result of my influence he achieved greater things and the ultimate honour of being made a true Lord of the Realm.

Beat that Lord B. if you can hehehehehe
colin you are welcome to have Geofrey Howe nurse you as a baby - I will settle for a wet nurse :O)
Mar 14, 2005
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As a baby my concerns did not extend to the female anatomy. All I was probably interested with was nourishment and sleep, two forms of contentment. As a true Tory supporter I can only think that being nursed by such an eminent person was a true honour.
Jul 2, 2007
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In the late 70's I appeared in Penthouse magazine. I was fully clothed in my army uniform.

Been out on the lash with Jim Davidson.

Sat next to The Reverend Ian Paisley on an airoplane.

Been on the telly numerous times (news)
Jul 2, 2006
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How about this.... Was playing at a piping competition at the Skye Highland Games when Billy Connolly came up to me and asked if i would mind having my photo taken with him.

Of course i obliged, and could i heck think of a good joke to tell him.

Jan 12, 2007
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my claim to fame is a few years ago i was driving my hgv north bound up the m66 at the 2 lane section and i broke down with a busted air line and i didnt quite make it to the hard shoulder and blocked the first was reported on the local and national radio and i caused a 5 mile tailback in my direction and a 2 mile tailback in the other direction caused by rubber neckers.a lot of people were not happy with me that day lol
Jan 3, 2007
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My claim to fame is that I rode OXO, the 1959 Grand National Winner.

Actually Michael Scudamore rode OXO in the actual race but I did work, as a young stable lad, for Willie Stephenson at his stables in Royston. I exercised OXO regularly, fed him and groomed him. as well as the proverbial mucking out. I'm sure my efforts must have helped him to win that race? Perhaps I am "an unsung hero' but thats another thread!
Mar 13, 2007
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I was once chatted and sat next to shirley bassey at a bar in a nightclub in middlesborough where she was appearing in the 70s a very nice pleasant lady I seem to remember.

the other dubious one is that my brother in law was the traffic cop that nicked one of the royals for speeding.

I say dubious because as an ex miner our respective jobs caused family friction during the 80s to such a extent that I have not spoken to him in 23years.


Mar 14, 2005
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My only claim to fame is that when I was 19 and working in a club where bands played, I was chatted up and persued by East Bay Ray. He was ever so nice but not very attractive, so he was a no no.

I've touched Angus Young on the arm too.

Jan 3, 2007
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Also my other claim to fame is......An associate of mine has a friend who's uncle was once married to a cousin, twice removed, of Chantelle from Big Brother fame....Who you ask...shame on you if you don't


Mar 14, 2005
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My claim to fame is that I rode OXO, the 1959 Grand National Winner.

Actually Michael Scudamore rode OXO in the actual race but I did work, as a young stable lad, for Willie Stephenson at his stables in Royston. I exercised OXO regularly, fed him and groomed him. as well as the proverbial mucking out. I'm sure my efforts must have helped him to win that race? Perhaps I am "an unsung hero' but thats another thread!
That's brilliant, lucky you. Did you stay in racing? I had the honour of going in the stable and stroking Hector Protector at the National Stud.

Dessie was kept a few miles up the road from us too, I prefer greys. He's sadly missed. He was always up on his toes at publicity events.

Oct 17, 2006
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I have 2 claims to fame:-

First when I worked as a barmaid , I served and spoke to Chas, as in Chas and Dave.

Second had Jethro call out on the microphone in a crowded local club down here," your late please come in and don't be late again," more comments were made later that evening when trying to get to the Ladies toilet, (hence I waited until he took his break before attempting to go to the Ladies again). Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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I have 2 claims to fame:-

First when I worked as a barmaid , I served and spoke to Chas, as in Chas and Dave.

Second had Jethro call out on the microphone in a crowded local club down here," your late please come in and don't be late again," more comments were made later that evening when trying to get to the Ladies toilet, (hence I waited until he took his break before attempting to go to the Ladies again). Liz
Liz a golden opportunity to have had one of our smokaloos close to hand.
Jan 3, 2007
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That's brilliant, lucky you. Did you stay in racing? I had the honour of going in the stable and stroking Hector Protector at the National Stud.

Dessie was kept a few miles up the road from us too, I prefer greys. He's sadly missed. He was always up on his toes at publicity events.

Lisa, at the time I was still at School and working at the stables was just about the most brilliant job to have but by the time I was 15 (School leaving age at the time) I got too tall and being a stable lad paid poorly, with not much of a future, unless you were able to break into the big time as a jockey.

I enjoyed it while it lasted and have always had a liking for horeses but never got round to owning one. Also, I hav'nt rode now for years and the best I have done lately is to help to look after a neighbours pony which, unfortunately, has now gone to Redwings Horse Sanctuary in Norfolk because the old ladies that owned him cannot look after him anymore. Mal
Jan 19, 2008
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Lisa,not sure if i should ask but who on earth are East Bay Ray and Angus Young!
Thank you Plotter. I too was wondering who they were but was too embarrassed to ask incase they really were famous.

To be honest I've never ever heard of the names before.
Mar 2, 2006
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My claim to fame is that I rode OXO, the 1959 Grand National Winner.

Actually Michael Scudamore rode OXO in the actual race but I did work, as a young stable lad, for Willie Stephenson at his stables in Royston. I exercised OXO regularly, fed him and groomed him. as well as the proverbial mucking out. I'm sure my efforts must have helped him to win that race? Perhaps I am "an unsung hero' but thats another thread!
That was the first and the last horse I ever backed,I was 11 at the time and my uncle billy put the bet on for me and I remember how I felt with 11 shillings and sixpence in my hand
May 18, 2007
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My most memorable and most recent claim to fame.......

I appeared on TV in an episode of the series, "Days that shook the world".

It was about the ending of WW1 and I was helping out a mate of mine by agreeing to go along as an extra to play a WW1 soldier.

However, the director kept giving me lines and I ended up with 5 or 6 speaking parts and lots of visuals.

And I got paid for it as well !

Result !
