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      ABINew2023 replied to the thread Static Valuation.
      Thanks all, really appreciate your help.
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      ABINew2023 reacted to Buckman's post in the thread Static Valuation with Like Like.
      Agreed that professional advice is required. As suggested Which Legal Services may be your best course of action.
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      ABINew2023 reacted to Mr Plodd's post in the thread Static Valuation with Like Like.
      No-one is legally obliged to sell anything at any price. An item is only worth what someone else is prepared to pay for it. Can a Rolex...
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      ABINew2023 reacted to otherclive's post in the thread Static Valuation with Like Like.
      I would contact Which Legal Services who give an initial free consultation then you can pay monthly for their support if there’s a case...
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      ABINew2023 posted the thread Static Valuation in General.
      Hi All I am looking for some advice if possible as I don't really know where I stand. I purchased a static caravan last year and paid...
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