Recent content by pat3

  1. P

    Kampa Rally 260 Awning

    Roger, October last year I had a Sunncamp Ultima 390 on approval to buy. Within 10min of running it through the awning rail you could see that it was not going to fit to the side of the van, so it went back. This year I spoke to a Sunncamp rep, who admited that there is a flaw with the verticly...
  2. P

    Window condensation

    Wait for a fine day, carefully remove the plugs at bottom of the units and let the sun do the rest. Refit the bungs before the evening to stop moisture re-entering. Simples!!! Pat
  3. P

    Kampa Rally 260 Awning

    Hi folks just to let you know saw a thread about Sunncamp 260 awnings and the trials and tribulations with them. Someone posted a link to the Kampa 260 site, saw that it was a better design, bought one , went up in the drizzle over the weekend (30min including reading instructions). Fits like a...
  4. P

    What bike?

    Hi all, good to hear that so many people are getting back to the way of cycling. some of you have touched on the "full suspension" frame, these frames were designed for down hill racing with the rider being out of the saddle and pivoting about the knee. when you ride a fixed frame the position...
  5. P

    awnning question

    Hi Dan, i think that you might find it a bit baggy around the edges. I have an apachie full awning that is 945Cm with annex and inner tent all in very good condition that i am selling for
  6. P

    Uninsured when stored

    I too read this artical, and was shocked. Does this now mean that if you keep your pride and joy on the drive it should be behind a fortified locked compound ?? I also keep my van in storage which the only way in or out is protected by an infra-red alarm system and CCTV but no physical...
  7. P

    2006 Mondeo 12 volt supply to 12s socket

    Hi there does anyone know where I can pick up a live feed ( permenant )other than the ignition switch to run to the 12S socket. I have looked at getting in thro the bulkhead with the existing loom but are unable to penetrate the grommet seals without damaging them. Dont realy want to start...
  8. P

    Calais to L'Anse du Brick

    Hi Val, thanks for the info.I will be towing the van down so I am reckoning on around 6-7 hrs.
  9. P

    Calais to L'Anse du Brick

    Hi Val, Site sounds OK but to cut the cost down we will have to travel from Calais.Unfortunatly we are still tied to the school breaks, but only for another year ( yes!!!! )
  10. P

    Caravan Cuisine

    Hi Damian, yes I totaly agree with what you and Chris are saying, but I was looking for ideas on differnt meals that were not upto the "ramsey" standard but just a change from the same weekly intake. You know the type of thing were you vist someone for dinner and they serve a meal thats just a...
  11. P

    Caravan Cuisine

    Hi Ian, nice one i,ll try some of that.One quick barby meal that i have done is with salmon & tuna. 1 salmon or tuna fillet wrapped in tin foil, a good soaking of lemon juice, and sprinkle with dill. Pop onto the coals for about 10min, serve with salad and enjoy with a nice glass of white!
  12. P

    Caravan Cuisine

    Hi Al, try this one, Tuna fish bake, 2 x tins tuna(drained), 1 x tin tomatoes(drained and chopped), 1 x tin condensed mushroom soup, frozen peas. Mix together and top with grated cheese and crushed crisps. Bake in oven for approx 40 mins. We serve this with pasta or chips.
  13. P

    Caravan Cuisine

    Has anyone out there started to compile a menu a la caravan for quick easy meals that are suitable for all ages? It would be nice to swop ideas to get away from the same old chicken steaks, carrots and peas that everyone seems to end up with. I am sure that the boss ( wife ) could muster up at...
  14. P

    Calais to Normandy region

    Hi all, We are thinking of going down to the Normandy region next year and would be greatfull for any advice on driving time, sites near beaches and best time for ferry crossings. I am still tied to the school holiday times so therefore July/August would the period. Has anyone used the L'Anse...
  15. P

    Calais to L'Anse du Brick

    Has anyone used this site before and how long did the drive take?