Hi Craig,
Being the proud owner of a van based on yours, I’d like to offer to play the part of Sir Chillalot here, by offering what will hopefully be a few little words of comfort ..
1) Flashing lights
Don’t worry about them, mine has done it too, but not always. It doesn’t bother me, and I don’t believe it’s in any way dangerous or detrimental to the longevity of the van. Insisting that the dealer must resolve it will undoubtedly result in multiple return trips and will leave a sour taste.
2) Cupboard Latches
You’re probably referring to the overhead lockers with the grey plastic spring-loaded latches. They’re made from very cheap soft Moulded plastic components which aren’t precisely manufactured or assembled, and rely on spring tension. However, if there’s any friction betweeen the spring-loaded triangular lug and it’s neighbouring parts, the force from the spring isn’t enough to fully extend the lug. Just unscrew the handle, remove the internal latch and give it a good spray of silicone lubricant such as GT85. Don’t overtighten the retaining screws afterwards either, as this can pre-load some of the plastic components. Again, really not worth wasting your energy and potentially your sanity in returning the van for this.
3) Damp
5 & 6% Damp ? - Where ? - The van’s side panels are made from a bonded GRP/Foam sandwich. There’s no damp there. How did they test ?
If there is any level of damp, my suspicion would be that it’s in the floor, and I would ask them to elaborate.
Glad to hear the scuffs have gone, but the dents don’t sound good. Hopefully they’ll sort those for you.
No doubt I’ll have to dodge a few bullets for suggesting that you don’t insist that the dealer rectifies points 1 & 2, but with minor “niggles” like these, I value my time and energy that would undoubtedly be consumed by multiple return visits to the dealer much more than my desire to argue a point, irrespective of my rights. The reported damp, and dents however, are a different story ...
Best of luck, and keep us updated !