Mar 14, 2005
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speaking to my the motor engineer who looks after my car and he had heard that the government are thinking quite seriously putting up road tax for 4x4's by £200, so it will be nearly £400 a year to tax you vehicle----???
Apr 13, 2005
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Not just 4x4 's rob the government are also talking about mpv's being increased, crazy idea to increase tax on a comunity that the anti's have currently got theire stinking little teeth in to. strange really how i will be punished for owning a diesel mpv that returns up to 50 mpg solo but the rep in the bmw saloon car doing 20 mpg gets away scot free.
Mar 14, 2005
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My teeth are clean and big, not stinking or little at all.

I have a MPV but it's a company car so, like the rep, I'm immune!
Sep 3, 2005
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we have a 4x4 albeit a2.2 litre frontera but we barely do 4000 miles a year but wouldn't change back to a car for lots of reasons one being the need for a heavy vehicle to tow our twin axle van.Its just another freedom of choice being taken away from us surely we pay enough wit all the "extra fuel we're using"
Sep 2, 2005
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Here we go again. Why don't the government tax to the hilt any vehicle that can exceed 100mph which after all is illegal isn't it? Whereas i don't think driving a 4x4 is (yet).

My nephew works for 4x4 manufacturer, so i do have a vested interest in this subject. It must be a two way solution though, with todays technology surely someone can make a 2 ton car do 30mpg plus on petrol?
Mar 14, 2005
Don't give anyone ideas. I drove my 4x4 Monterey up the autobahn last week at 180kph to keep an appointment, admittedly without the caravan in tow, and that's 112 mph.
Mar 14, 2005
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I would think that this is just another of these rumours aimed at 4x4 owners. 4x4 is a very general term and you can get all sorts of 4x4 vehicles from a very small 2-door Fiat up to large Range Rovers and the like. There's also lots of vehicles (like my X-Trail) which has 4x4 capability but which is driven as a front-wheel drive vehicle all of the time.

So, without being pedantic - what is the definition of a 4x4 and does the government really mean to up the tax on all sorts of (very( small 4x4 vehicles ?
Oct 3, 2005
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I think you will find that you are ok with a small jacked up estate car like an x trail, the tax is aimed at chelsea tractors such as Range rovers, shoguns etc and any other monster 4x4, which pollute the atmosphere at an alarming rate and kill pedestrians outright when they run them down, as is so often with these beasts as the braking distances and handling is so poor.

The sooner we rid the earth of them the better!
Mar 14, 2005
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Interesting piece of news in one of todays tabloids. Dr. Ciaran Simms and Prof. Desmond O'Neill based at Trinity College, Dublin state that studies have shown that "gas guzzling 4x4 cars should be sold with a health warning because of the increased dangers they pose to pedestrians." They go on to say that "studies have shown that a 4x4 is up to four times more likely to to kill or badly injure a pedestrian in an accident than an ordinary passenger car." It also adds that "SUV bonnets caused more severe primary impact on the critical central body regions of the upper leg and pelvis. Head injuries also doubled." They told the British Medical Journal "SUVs represent a significantly greater hazard to pedestrians than ordinary cars - and those pedestrians are getting older and more vulnerable. They also state that sales are up by 15% in Europe in the last year. So I suppose Clive V and friends are right about one thing.
Oct 4, 2005
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Daventura, stirring stuff my son, certainly food for thought. I suppose your passionate feelings on this subject has a lot to do with your caring attitude towards safety on our roads as well as our responsibility for looking after our fragile planet. Keep up the good work.
Mar 14, 2005
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This taken from a BBC news report

Safety performance

Ms Berry added: "The effects of climate change are going to be felt most keenly by the kids who are travelling in the back of these gas-guzzling 4x4s."

But Paul Everett, from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, said this style of vehicle had become very popular because they were "useful and flexible."

"The environmental performance of your average 4x4 is no worse than a large saloon or people carrier," he told BBC News.

"In many cases the safety performance of these vehicles is better than many other vehicles on the road.

"People do find the raised driving style to be safer, they see more of the road, feel more in control and in many cases drive more responsibly."

You see, we can all get little snippets of how good our cars are.

Fact is, the anti's are no better than the cars they despise, half truth, or half lie, this argument will go on, one thing for sure though, 4x4 are better for the job of towing, and as caravanners, is that not a good thing?
Mar 14, 2005
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I went through this with Stinky one night Dave, did we go round the houses or what! Fancy doing it again tonight, I know others who don't give a stuff will be bothered about it but you Anti's love to bring it up....
Mar 14, 2005
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Lol,If I was undecided about this I still would want to err on the side of caution when weighing up pros and cons and so Im sorry I am still not convinced by your experts (who surely have a vested interest??).
Mar 14, 2005
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I know you are not undecided about the subject matter Dave, we don't all think alike, my example was taken off the net after a very quick search and if you wanted I'm sure I could come up with a professor or two that would challenge your claims, the guy at the SMMT does have an interest, but to dealers, a car is a car, he can make a profit from people carriers and large executive cars just the same as 4x4's. What worries me is the blinkered outlook of you Anti's, you are solely interested in 4x4's where to have credibility you should be looking at all large cars in general, and beating the drum against them. Also you will notice in the subject threads we maintain a defensive posture to your arguments, it would be easy to be offensive about it especially when you consider the caravan world, you are part off. Where a 4x4 is an obvious choice due to size and traction for towing a two wheel drive is not, but we don't go on about it in the forum, that's up to each others particular situation. If you must be an Anti then please do so, but in a forum where you might do some good, your not going to convince a 4x4 owner to downsize. Much the same as we can't convince you to upgrade to a 4x4.
Jan 19, 2008
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As I have posted before, I haven't much opinion on the 4x4 subject with the exception to those who drive them just because they are macho. If they are used for a purpose like towing I have no gripe about this. If they are used around towns because that person likes to be seen in one doing the school run or using it as a big boys toy by tearing up the countryside and scaring the wildlife chitless then I do have a problem with it. Also while philosophising whilst sat on the throne this morning (where I do most of my philosophing as I can strike a pose as "The Thinker" ) I wondered who pollutes the atmostphere most, a family whose sole vehicle is a 4x4 or a family with three cars all being used. Just something for the techies to ponder on because I have no interest in anything to do with motor vehicles including motor racing (totally boring). To me they are a means of getting me or my caravan from A to B.
Mar 14, 2005
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I apologise for going on a bit on the 4x4 subject L.B. Just filling in for Clive while he takes a well earned break. Have a feeling I might be busy on this subject for a while yet though. Still it's bound to die down sooner or later, think I will write a letter to the Caravan Club and blame them for bringing the subject up!
Oct 3, 2005
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LOL you said you didn't go on the offensive yet you said in your Clive like sermon

(god fobid another lay preacher!) that you can't convince saloon owners to "upgrade" to a 4x4, isn't that going on the offensive?

if you mean buying a sloppy handling (thats why they are slow) truck made from slabs of steel and tarted up with a naff interior and a few electronic goodies is upgrading then you have a perverse sense of what an upgrade means. Would you go from 1st class into the bagage compartment?


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