A Fortnight on is it working???

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Jan 19, 2008
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to my old mate (a real lord) ⇦ hehheh! I liked that.

Now to the serious stuff.

I said colin, that I could smoke a *** - not that I want one or crave for one - theres a difference there me ol' butty. At no time have I had the urge to grab a *** out of anyones hand but a nice try colin ;O)

What I said was true, I never felt any fitter but maybe that had a lot to do with me not doing exercise but finacially I was a lot better off ;O)

I said way back in the other smoking thread that ex-smokers are the worse. Why?

Because we had the common sense to realise what we were doing to our bodies but more importantly what we were doing to others bodies who had no say in the matter. Now these people do have a say and smokers are made to feel like pariahs. Our sense of smell also returns which sometimes isn't so good, especially when around a smoker who stinks like an ashtray. The smell lingers everywhere, especially on their clothes and breath. My missus very often tells me that I stunk like that at one time :O( that's enough to stop me ever wanting to smoke again :O)

Due to my concern for others, in the last few years of smoking when realising the damage I was doing to people I used to always smoke outside, whether at home, in the pub or cafe. I went outside whether it was raining, snowing, freezing or sunny so if I still smoked this law would have no affect on me, it's something I used to do so why can't those who don't possess the will power to quit do likewise?
May 29, 2007
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Colin and your Lordship. at the end of the day it all boils down to choice. I have made a choice not to smoke, not for financial gain, but due to family history of bed health. I have been a smoker for 25 years and felt that i wanted to stop. Not give it up, but stop. But i think the goverment has gone to far as again they have removed a choice. But don't get me started on that old biscuit as i feel very calm lately!
Mar 14, 2005
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I have recently smoked six cigars (one packet of King Six bought in Tesco in Bridgend). Where did I smoke them? sitting outside the swning in an evening in Dorset whilst drinking a (home measure) of Tesco's Finest Reserve whisky and orange and reading either a stema train magazine, a classic car magazine or the Daily Mail. The packet lasted the two weeks. Did I enjoy it? Yes I did as it was very relaxing. Now I am back home I still partake of the whisky and orange but not the cigars - that is my one little treat to myself whilst caravanning, and then only one packet for the two weeks. I mentioned it to my doctor some while ago and her response was that amount of smoking was probably doing more good to me to relax than harm to my body.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have recently smoked six cigars (one packet of King Six bought in Tesco in Bridgend). Where did I smoke them? sitting outside the swning in an evening in Dorset whilst drinking a (home measure) of Tesco's Finest Reserve whisky and orange and reading either a stema train magazine, a classic car magazine or the Daily Mail. The packet lasted the two weeks. Did I enjoy it? Yes I did as it was very relaxing. Now I am back home I still partake of the whisky and orange but not the cigars - that is my one little treat to myself whilst caravanning, and then only one packet for the two weeks. I mentioned it to my doctor some while ago and her response was that amount of smoking was probably doing more good to me to relax than harm to my body.
spelling - should be steam train....
Mar 14, 2005
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Forgot to comment on previous posting but why Lord B. do you appear to be very friendly and sociable to "Colin - Yorkshire" but potray a different attitude in your postings to "Colin (bridgend)"?
Feb 24, 2007
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Colin and your Lordship. at the end of the day it all boils down to choice. I have made a choice not to smoke, not for financial gain, but due to family history of bed health. I have been a smoker for 25 years and felt that i wanted to stop. Not give it up, but stop. But i think the goverment has gone to far as again they have removed a choice. But don't get me started on that old biscuit as i feel very calm lately!
Well said Diane , thats my anger , we were not given a choice.

Jan 19, 2008
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Omy colin, however did you come to that conclusion? It all comes down to my mood and whether I feel the need to wind people up ;O) Some bite better than others, don't they gio :O)

What I post is how I see it, I don't tell lies to get people biting but, and heres the but, it depends on who has posted which gives me the spark to reply and how I reply, if you get my gist .... hehheh! My post to tyke-colin had both a serious side and a friendly one, I don't get intentionally nasty if I disagree with someone although from reading type a lot of posts come over like that. Anyway I prattle on and I've just had a thought, what's it got to do with you how I post ..... hehheh! :OP

p.s. I've just remembered, gio as gone off to Lake Garda.
Mar 14, 2005
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No actually lee i don't. I think uncle Fred has infact earned his right to smoke where he pleases. And as for giving up, his doctor has told him that at his age the shock to his system will kill him. I just think that for all the uncle freds of this country they should make allowances.

REASON= There is not that many left and as you said you waited 200 years so whats a couple more. No offence meant by this but you have come across as quite aggressive. I am the one who has just given up smoking here!
sorry if i sound aggressive,but on the whats two more years point i have just had cancer so maybe i dont have two years ,my nan gave up at 77 so it can be done, good luck to you giving up if this still sounds aggressive i am sorry maybe its the chemo
Mar 2, 2006
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This government should be applauded for having the bottle to carry out the wishes of the majority.Its only a pity they waited so long,maybe they can rid the country of gas guzzlers,dirty diesels and twostrokes the smoking ones.

increase pensions cut immigration the list goes on
May 29, 2007
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well, well? What do you class as a gas guzzler? And what right do you have to make your MP. Enforce YOUR opinion in the commons, Well at the end of the day, when all the PC NON SMOKERS and ANTI Smokers have had their say and there is no more NHS, because there is no money to fund it, perhaps when aunt Sally or uncle Joe' who have never smoked, but just got old are takeing up all the NHS beds and no bed can be found for you when you need it, well don't come crying.

Me ,I have private health care, again a choice that i had to make as there is very little in this country, soon there will be no NHS. So what will you do then. The Torys want rid of it and Labour can't fund it and the Lib Dems are a joke.
Mar 2, 2006
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Hello Diane

9 to 19 mpg in my mind is a gas guzzler, the rest of your post I dont know what you are getting at.? 3 weeks well done,keep it up.
May 29, 2007
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If that is the case, then many older vehicles would be considered " Gas Guzzlers". You may or may not know this but the only vehicle that will not give off any emmissions is a hydro electric powered car.

The car is drivable and will do speeds up to 120mph. But as it will not cost any thing to run the goverment shelved plans for this product, as did China, America, France and so on. I have a 4X4 and it has far lower emmissions than some smaller cars-so the debate gose on. Do we mean the V6s to the V8s of this world or do we mean stop driving all together.

As for the rest of my post " it is simple, Millions of pounds from the revenue of Ciggaretes go to the health service every year, but as the busy body nosey parker i must tell my nieghbour what to do brigade, stamp out smoking in this country so that revenue will cease to exsist. Where is the money going to come from to fund our dying health service? By cutting pensions perhaps? me i am not worried i have a private health plan, as dose my family, but not everyone can afford that.
Mar 13, 2007
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hi all.

be very carefull of what you wish for folks because at one time or another we all are going to be on the reciving end of someone elses wish list, the attitude of majority rules is a very dangerious one, ok fair do's the majority dont smoke so we have a smoking ban but what next???.

minorities must be allowed to continue with their ways and wishes or anacrhy by default will be the order of the day just consider this for a moment. if the majority always wins as some have said regarding smoking why have we got anti descrimination laws of any kind.

and what do we do when the minority becomes the majority change the rules, well yes apparently we do so thats it then no more smoking battle lost, round one, smokers defeated.good riddance.

next 4x4s and mpvs then drinking in public (it's started already for both) then what next. what do we do when there's more muslims in the country than cristians close churches? ban alcohol all together and don't forget caravans thats a minority pastime how will we pursue our hobby when there are no longer any cars on the road big enough to tow one.

mind you by the time it stops raining we wont need cars and caravans we will have to use boats instead but only small engined one you understand.

no I can't go on anymore my brain hurts thinking about it must be time for a valium.

by for now

Mar 13, 2007
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apart from inside your private residence every where else is a public place inside or out the ban goes to far in so much that it is now unlawful to smoke where a non smoker could be the word here is could not should be, inside public buildings fare enough most are smoke free anyway and have been for years but every work place even if all the occupants smoke thats just daft.

a mate of mine runs a small business one man band repairing computers there is no public accses to the work shop but the council came round and gave him no smoking signs to put up and one for his car he now has to go outside his own workshop to smoke even though he is on his own or face a fine thats just crazy to me also one interesting point you can smoke in your own home does that mean the pub landlord can or can not smoke in the pub even when its shut as its his home but also his workplace.
Oct 17, 2006
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Yes I do smoke, and have no intention of giving it up my choice. This ban has taken my freedom away from me, I did not go regularly to a pub but when I did go out, I used to enjoy a drink and a cigarette, now I have to stand outside or not go out at all.

Now what can one say, one man band, no one else working there and issued with a non smoking sign, who would snitch on him if he did smoke, he could have a lock in.

That's a good point; if a Landlord/Landlady closed the pub and had a private party for guests who smoked would this be allowed? After all this is their home.
Nov 7, 2005
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It's working - but there is just one downside I hadn't taken into account. Because we have two dogs and love long walks, we always try to sit outside at our favourite country pubs for drinks/meals. Nowadays, of course, we find ourselves more and more in the company of ...smokers...!!!...who have been forced to come out and sit with us. Ummmm....
Jan 19, 2008
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It's working - but there is just one downside I hadn't taken into account. Because we have two dogs and love long walks, we always try to sit outside at our favourite country pubs for drinks/meals. Nowadays, of course, we find ourselves more and more in the company of ...smokers...!!!...who have been forced to come out and sit with us. Ummmm....
Hehheh! that will cheer tyke-colins spirits up no end. I can hear him laughing from here already. He wont be able to type a reply for a few days cos he'll be in fits of gigglin'.
Mar 2, 2006
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democracy thats the the word diane,we vote for our government and its the majority that wins otherwise we could be governed by the raving looney party,though at times I wonder if thats not the case sometimes.Bleating about your loss of freedom,people are not banned from smoking,they are just resticted in the areas in which they can smoke,as a non smoker I now have the FREEDOM which was denied me before to go to places without breathing dirty secondary smoke which could affect my health.They can go where ive been for years (home)
Mar 13, 2007
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hi all

just a quick note FAO lord B yes bud iv'e got a bad back now as I fell oof my chair laughing; what,what,he.he.

I am sorry to her of your problem colinn and must admit I had not thought about it either although I have noticed lately there does seem to be more people outside the pubs than inside and thats in the rain so what it will be like if the sun does eventualy shine who knows.

I take note of allens comments with a bit of a wry smile though as I dont really understand exactly where you can now go that you could not go before apart from the pub, but as a non drinker your are more than welcome to that privilege.

BTW a little bit of funny information for LB and anyone with a sense of irony after almost 3 weeks about as long as lisa has been off the weed, her indoors SWMBO has been giving me some ear ache about quitting, what I said after forty odd years I should coco but actually without her knowing went down to the doctors (yes I actually found out where it was)to book a appointmet at the stop smoking clinic.

when I got there the receptionist took my details and said she would get me an appointment a.s.a.p but at present there were no appointments being made, why I said too many people wanting to quit overwhelmed?? no she said the nurse is off sick with bronchitis oh!! I said it must be with all that standing out in the rain having a *** thats done it.

bye for now

Mar 13, 2007
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my appoligies my last post should have read diane not lisa just read it again after posting, my brain wasn't in gear must be the thought of all that money I could be saving

sorry colin
Feb 24, 2007
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Been to another pub last night on my weekly darts night.... once again 9 people standing outside smoking and chatting , two lads playing darts inside + chalker , bsrlady and two young lads standing at the bar , this is the 3rd time i have seen more out than in ... coincedence ..... dont think so . I am beginning to beleive the ones who say places are emptying because of the ban and not the propaganda put out by the media.
May 29, 2007
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FYI. Allen I do not smoke. I decided to stop smoking. smoking ban had nothing to do with it as it happen in April in wales.

I made a choice, was not forced to make a choice, and will not be forced to do something.

I see you had the choice to either stay home or go out. Smokers now don't have that choice They have to go outside.

Where is the democracy as i did not see any balot on smoking in public places and as for misguided mps being led by the nose but the new fashion of non smoking and going green, I refer to an Article in the paper a few weeks ago , when one was caught having a *** with his son in tow!

It must of been quite upsetting to beheld as a virtual prison due to everyone in the country smoking around you? Funny that as now only 30% now smoke or Admit to it!
Oct 17, 2006
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Been to another pub last night on my weekly darts night.... once again 9 people standing outside smoking and chatting , two lads playing darts inside + chalker , bsrlady and two young lads standing at the bar , this is the 3rd time i have seen more out than in ... coincedence ..... dont think so . I am beginning to beleive the ones who say places are emptying because of the ban and not the propaganda put out by the media.
Did your team win? (if you didn't change your team to non smokers) tactics needed lol Liz


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