Hehheh! tyke colin, you are nit picking now :OP
As you full well know there are bars AND there are bars. Living in a select area (obviously, a man of my stature and standing)the landlord wouldn't let in any old riff raff, the types that frequent the back street pubs.... hehheh! What I was pleased about was the fact that the children in that pub were ALL well behaved.
I used to drink at a small pub, I was a regular and played in the pubs phat, crib, darts and quoits teams (never liked skittles) and to see kids in the bar of this place now is sad, quite simply it was a drinking pub, not a place for kids to hang out. It's many years now since I frequented the place but I do recall the language could be a bit choice and fisticuffs broke out ocassionally. These are the pubs that I made a comment about that they are struggling anyway, full of regular drinkers who by their very lifestyle smoke. Now they aren't allowed to so the pubs will fold if their customer base doesn't change and stop smoking. I have more chance of kissing the Popes derriere than that happening.
As an aside, but on topic, Her Ladyship and I were invited to a friends birthday yesterday, a BBQ, and out of the 30+ people there only one smoked. I think that speaks volumes.