Additional gearbox coolers on automatic tow cars

Jan 7, 2007
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I was just wondering if many people who tow with Autos have had or are considering getting an additional cooler fitted to their car?

My Bighorn 3.1 Auto tows really well but coming back from the Easter break,the oil temp light came on for the first time ever whilst towing so it got us thinking and we investigated the options and as we love the car and want to keep it for a while we have arranged to get an additional cooler fitted next Tues by an Auto Transmission specialist.(Nowhere near as pricy as I thought either!)

I will update after it has been fitted as to how we get on with it and if it makes any difference to towing but are interested in comments from other forum users too.


Mar 14, 2005
I really am surprised that you have found it necessary to have an oil cooler fitted on a Bighorn unless you have a really big caravan and you tow at high speed over mountain passes in mediterranean regions in the middle of summer. For 7 years, I had a Monterey automatic which is the same as the Bighorn in everything but name and never had any difficulty. The car had a towing limit of 3300kg so any caravan should be a piece of cake even without a transmission oil cooler. I rather suspect that something else is amiss with your Bighorn.
Nov 1, 2005
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I would agree with Lutz, there's something not quite right there. When was the last time the transmission fluid was changed? Was the right fluid used? Is there a slight fluid leak? Bear in mind the level should be checked with the engine running and gearbox warm and in neutral. Of all the autos I know of with transmission temperature problems the Isuzu is not one of them. I'd check all possibilties before I'd drive the car very far. I have a feeling that by fitting an oil cooler you may be treating the symptom but not curing the disease.
Jan 7, 2007
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Thanks for the replys, I know its friday the 13th but there actually isn't anything wrong with the car I have had it all checked out, and found that the reason the oil temp light came on was due to the fact that the oil level was low and once it was topped up all is well again. We decided to get an additional cooler fitted to make sure we don't get a problem, and yes we do tow a heavy van and due to the age of the car want to look after it, hence the decision to get the cooler fitted.

The transmission specialist we are using are old school and have been around a long time and are highly thought of within the trade so I'm not worried about them trying to get money out of me.I approached them and they did say I didn't need to get one but it wouldn't do any harm if I did want one as prevention is better than cure - they said your oil temp can never be too cool but if it over heats you could cause a lot of damage and I don't want to take that chance.


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