Funny I thought this was a parks & touring forum !!Hi Shiraz - As a retired lecturer from further education I would agree that the perks which appear to be associated with the job of teaching are many. However nowadays the extra needless paper work and form filling for management and government is making the joy of teaching a secondary task. Also the pupil/student is the ruler of the teacher - should the teacher make one step out of line and they are reported upon. There have been many cases recently where the teacher has been suspended and named whilst the accuser remains anonymous. In the majority of cases the investigation has fallen flat and there is no case to answer. Imagine the stress and stigma, not only on the teacher but on his/her family as well, this could cause when the finger is falsely pointed at a person and the review can take many months.
A friend of mine had the finger pointed at him by a fourteen year old girl, fortunately the rest of the class backed the teacher. However the child's parents wanted to make a case of it but was eventually convinced that it would be thrown out in court. The teacher, however could not refuse to have that child back in his class as it would deny the child her right to an education.
Gone are the days where once the doctor, vicar, teacher and policeman was looked upon as the pillars of society and were respected by all. Ask any teacher nowadays and they will all agree that the stress level is far higher nowadays than ever before.
FE is funded by "bums on seats" with a claw back of funding should the student not pass the course. The lecturer therefore has all manner of students on the course and is drawn over the coals when the student does not pass as the college looses funding. Also as a sixteen year old cannot have any form of money from the DHSS when leaving school they are offered financial incentives to attend college and enroll on courses that they have no chance in passing.
I hope I have not ranted too much on this subject but it is a subject close to my heart and I hope I may have convinced you that teaching can be very stressful.
It is but the thread is on Adult Sites.Funny I thought this was a parks & touring forum !!
Tnink I know what you mean colin.A former employer of mine was only really interested in them signing up to get the funding popping in now and again.I think the 'suits' thought the place was only there for their own little club.most of my fellow tutors cared about what they did.Sorry to wander everyone .Hi Shiraz - As a retired lecturer from further education I would agree that the perks which appear to be associated with the job of teaching are many. However nowadays the extra needless paper work and form filling for management and government is making the joy of teaching a secondary task. Also the pupil/student is the ruler of the teacher - should the teacher make one step out of line and they are reported upon. There have been many cases recently where the teacher has been suspended and named whilst the accuser remains anonymous. In the majority of cases the investigation has fallen flat and there is no case to answer. Imagine the stress and stigma, not only on the teacher but on his/her family as well, this could cause when the finger is falsely pointed at a person and the review can take many months.
A friend of mine had the finger pointed at him by a fourteen year old girl, fortunately the rest of the class backed the teacher. However the child's parents wanted to make a case of it but was eventually convinced that it would be thrown out in court. The teacher, however could not refuse to have that child back in his class as it would deny the child her right to an education.
Gone are the days where once the doctor, vicar, teacher and policeman was looked upon as the pillars of society and were respected by all. Ask any teacher nowadays and they will all agree that the stress level is far higher nowadays than ever before.
FE is funded by "bums on seats" with a claw back of funding should the student not pass the course. The lecturer therefore has all manner of students on the course and is drawn over the coals when the student does not pass as the college looses funding. Also as a sixteen year old cannot have any form of money from the DHSS when leaving school they are offered financial incentives to attend college and enroll on courses that they have no chance in passing.
I hope I have not ranted too much on this subject but it is a subject close to my heart and I hope I may have convinced you that teaching can be very stressful.
And I'm sure Lisa will back me up !Shiraz
I,m sorry but what a load of tosh,I'm a paramedic and the s*** we have to put up with for the pittance they call a wage is astounding,you couldnt do the job if you just wanted work or a wage, likewise the police,they are given even more of a crap time as the uniform attracts trouble,who on earth could do these jobs "just for the money", I do it because "occasionly" we actually do a terrific job for someone who otherwise wouldnt live to tell the tale, now that IS a vocation.
Thank you Tina, nice to meet you also.Lord Braykewynde
BIG RESPECT TO YOU nice to meet you !
I apologise merv I know you were talking to Our Lord Braykewynde,I stand by my post though !Merv my reply is aimed at Siraz not you! How can he possibly assume teachers,nurses ambulance/police /fire just go to earn money and are not interested in the vocation of the job, these are some of the most thankless jobs around and the poorest paid, working long shifts night and day, you might even need us one day and then I'm sure you/he would be grateful.