Advice on fact or fiction

Aug 9, 2018
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Hello everyone
I am a newbie caravanner and we have just purchased a new Bailey Pamplona and there is various issues when I was delivered.
The fridge has about an inch scratch ( black gloss)
The silver interior trim near an upper cabinet is scratched and one of the blinds appears to be slightly creased and all of the caravan windows appear to have light scratches from I presume is valet!
Are these acceptable?
I am getting nowhere with the retailer I bought it from and I’m not sure if I’m just being overly picky
Please can I have some advice
Jun 20, 2005
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Auds930 said:
Hello everyone
I am a newbie caravanner and we have just purchased a new Bailey Pamplona and there is various issues when I was delivered.
The fridge has about an inch scratch ( black gloss)
The silver interior trim near an upper cabinet is scratched and one of the blinds appears to be slightly creased and all of the caravan windows appear to have light scratches from I presume is valet!
Are these acceptable?
I am getting nowhere with the retailer I bought it from and I’m not sure if I’m just being overly picky
Please can I have some advice
Send the dealer a recorded delivery / or sign for letter outlining the issues you have. Remind them they have failed to deal with your previous complaints . Thus in accordance with the Consumer Rights Act 2015 you require an immediate full refund of the monies you paid them for the caravan. Once paid they must remove the caravan from your premises / storage at their own expense.
Aug 9, 2018
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Thank you so much I have had it about 20 something days and he ignores my emails and when I call he asks me to tell me what he’s looking at even when it’s clealry circled in red !
Didn’t think I would get a refund ! I have had to get it shipped to my location but I’m happy to pay to get it off my hands as I have no faith
Thank you so much
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Auds930
Let me pose a question to you :-

Did you order a faulty caravan? I'm certain you didn't. You were perfectly reasonable to expect delivery of a perfect caravan with no faults. - and that is exactly what you are entitled to in law.

Dustydog, has correctly pointed out that you have statutory rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 that tells - you are entitled to expect a brand new product to be free of faults. And if a seller sells fault goods, they are legally responsible to put the situations right -whether that's a refund or a repair depends on how long you have had teh goods. You tell us you have had it for 20days - you need to act quicly becasue your window for a full refund is only 30days, unless teh faults are really serious.

It seems you want return the caravan for a full refund, Well the CRA says that if goods are not to contract (e'g faulty) the customer can insist on the seller to make a full refund for the goods withing 30 days from the date of contract completion (Handover) .

You will note I have refereed to the "seller" rather than the dealer becasue if you have used a finance house to purchase the caravan, under section 75 of the consumer credit act the Finance house is equally liable withe the seller for the condition of the goods.

I suggest you read up about both the "Consumer Rights Act" and the Consumer Credit Act. There are some very good guides form the Consumers Aassociation who publish WHich? magazine and teh Money Saving Expert web pages.

Good luck
May 7, 2012
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I do agree with the Prof''s advice. If you ordered the caravan and this is what was delivered then you are within your rights to reject it. Large scratches are not acceptable and it is time the industry realised this. If this is the caravan you want though it may be some compromise is possible if they will replace the fridge or at least the door and replace the trim.
Not having seen the blind or the windows it is hard to say if those complaints are realistic.
If you are a member of either of the clubs their legal helpline is a good place to go for a discussion on what to do.
Aug 9, 2018
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Good morning

I have recently purchased a Bailey caravan and I am having some issues as per another post ! I am dealing or should say trying to deal with the dealer it was purchased from.
One of my long list of issues is the windows are all scratched I was informed that due to the window material they all come like that it’s just the nature of the beast ! I was told if I go to any dealers all their windows will be like this
I am getting frustrated as I paid a kings randsome buying new so I wasn’t going to get someone else’s issues but I feel I have gotten what feels like a second hand model ! I am waiting for
A new mattress
New sofa cushions
Silver trim for where it’s scrached
Fridge freezer door as it came scratched
Scratched shower door
Scratched interior door
Trim is detaching from a panel
Window blind is buckled
All windows are scratched
One window is extremely difficult to close
One of the usb lights keeps tripping
My new vision plus tv stopped working
I’m almost scared to look to see if I see anything else

My remote location won’t help matters either please any advice would be great
Thanks in advance
Oct 12, 2013
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Morning , I do feel sorry for you with all that going on and you say it is a new van , how long ago is new ?
Were these faults not spotted on the pre-inspection hand over when you got it because with all that I think I would of declined it there & then .
Aug 9, 2018
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I am in Shetland and it was purchased in Aberdeen and shipped up we had no inspection we receive it on the island on the 14th July but we didn’t manage to pick it up till a few days later as we had to get a tow bar fitted most of the things were reported about a week after as I was in hospital my emails were ignored with pictures etc I am dealing with someone else in the dealership but I’m really finding something pretty much most days ! And I report them ASAP
We have never owned a caravan so we’re pretty frustrated and feel it’s tainted our experience! I realise all small things but if it was my car I would have told them it’s going back

Thank you


Nov 12, 2009
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Hi Auds
You opened a very similar topic just over a week ago on the New Members message board.
I've added your earlier thread including the advice that you received to this one because there's no point in having two identical threads running at the same time.
Members offering advice wouldn't know which thread to reply to.
Over a week has passed since your initial query, have you contacted the supplying dealer since then?
You have statutory rights and could reject this unsatisfactory caravan but I think that a time limit applies, so send a rejection letter via registered post to the dealer without delay if you want to reject the caravan.
Aug 9, 2018
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Yes I have contacted them and still awaiting information everyone seems to be on holiday so I am. Getting no where I apologise for opening another thread I asked about the windows specifically but put the list of issues Also I am trying to be forarmed as I keep getting excuses so apology for that !
Oct 12, 2013
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Wow ! :eek:hmy: I see what you mean by remote !!
Well I think I would be getting it arranged to be shipped over there back to the place you bought it from and demand it will be done or the return the keys and get your money back because what you have received is not a new van sounds like a demo van that's been used for people to jump in and out of that's been on the forecourt and they've just packed it up and just sent it to you knowing that you weren't going to have an inspection thinking that you might not be bothered thinking they would get away with it ? But even though a new fridge door needs to be replaced your windows are scratched and other things , how else would they be doing that ? It's going to cost you a fortune in shipping costs back and forward . I would be over there with it as well . Do you not know anyone that has a caravan that could assist you in getting these problems sorted and confronting the garage people ? And there's me thinking a 100 miles round driving trip was long enough for me !
Aug 9, 2018
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The windows I was told they must have been scratched at Bailey it’s avoidable due to the material I understand they’re plastic but struggle that this is actually how they all are !
Thank you for your reply
Oct 12, 2013
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Auds930 said:
It’s a 14 hour ferry or 12 hour unassisted cost me £395 if I go with it I’m almost up to 600

:( wow ! I I'll never complain about diesel prices again! that is a lot of money to be forking out for back and forward trips which should not be having to be spent on a new caravan , it needs be done in a 1'a as you're going to be thousands of £ounds out of pocket which you will not get back ! It's either return the van or choose a new undamaged one - and be there to inspect it !
Sep 4, 2017
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To underline a point for both cases:
Ensure you put your complaint in writing recorded signed for mail straight away.
No use knowing you contacted them, unscrupulous dealers may easily deny any contact if am amicable solution is not reached.
Secondly if you have dealt with a finance company send them the same letter "your complaint in writing recorded signed for mail straight away"

A point I can make: I have a second hand 2010 Swift and not one of my windows are scratched at all.

Last point: Perhaps someone can clarify this. I bought a brand new bed and mattress from a dealer. When it sagged the dealer palmed me off on the manufacturer or rather hid behind their T/C In the case of a new van, without finance, who is the target, dealer or manufacturer?
Mar 24, 2014
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"Last point: Perhaps someone can clarify this. I bought a brand new bed and mattress from a dealer. When it sagged the dealer palmed me off on the manufacturer or rather hid behind their T/C In the case of a new van, without finance, who is the target, dealer or manufacturer?" Your contract is with the dealer, they may have T/C which attempt to pass the responsibility elsewhere but, just because its in the T/C doesn't make it enforceable.


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