Air awnings . Some feedback.

May 24, 2014
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As many of you will know I recently traded my trusty Isabella for a Kampa Rally Air Pro 390.

I packed it away yesterday after its second use and I have to say I really dont like it.

Its first time out was on a fairly flat pitch that had a slight slope front to back and a similar slope corner to corner on the diagonal. On putting the awning up I found that both outer legs were alighly bent inwards at the centre. It gave it the impression of being having slightly knock knees. I put this down to the pitch and it being the first time I put it up.

A second point that it was very difficult to pull through the awning rail and kept jamming. The Issy used to slide through like a hot knife through butter. I am wondering if the profile beading is slighly narrower than on a trad awning.

Condensation I was warned of at purchase but I was quite surprised at the amount. The metal legs to increase the seal against the van actually work against their purpose and i got a better seal when I discarded them. The storm bands are utter rubbish and wouldnt hold a childs ballon.

Before my next trip i thoroughly lubed the awning rail with awning lube and hoped for a better experience. This time we picked the pitch very carefully. Absolutely dead flat and level. I followed the instructions to the letter, something I didnt do first time out and although a little better it still had cowboy legs. With the legs a bit straighter we found the roof a bit flappy and indeed water began to collect on it.

We still found it incredibly difficult to feed through the rail again trapping it frequently. Although not very tall, weak Im not and I had real problems with it. Condensation was awful again.

Once erected it looks very nice but I certainly dont feel confident with it in inclement weather. The storm bands being the big worry. The supplied pegs are tin, the plastic clips to awning are flimsy but the band that joins the webbing strap to the peg is of the same strength and material as a childs hair band.

Conclusion mainly about the legs are that a trad awning has aome adjustment for the legs but an uneven pitch can seriously throw this thing out of kilter. Whether Kampa have released some seconds into the market whereas the fabric is pulling these legs out of line I dont know but for me this thing has had its second and LAST outing. I will be getting shut of it as soon as I get back and buying a trad awning again.
Jun 11, 2012
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Hi Thingy I hope I can cheer you up a bit here .My 390 was one of the first on the Market and was a disaster but thanks to Kampa I received a complete set of replacement tubes.Now as regards the legs kicking in its quite simple to remedy. Each one of the large inflatable tubes is fastened the skirt via a valcro fastener.All you need do is slightly inflate then just part the tube from the skirt and turn the leg which ever way you need to and then re inflate .Jobs a good un .You may have to undo the zips but it will come right .
Sir Roger.
Jun 2, 2015
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Interesting that you have had problems with you awning rail. I have two air awnings and neither has given me problems sliding it through since I gave the rail a small spray of lubricant. As for the pegs, I have a set of pegs that I have moved from tent to tent during my camping career, I have yet to find a company that issues decent pegs with the canvass and I have owned some pretty expensive tents in my time. The same goes for awnings. But everyone to their own and if you are happier with a traditional awning then it makes sense that you get one. I can have my porch awning up in ten minutes on my own. Another interesting thing that you mention is the seal poles, I don’t bother using them with my porch awning at all and that has stood up to the pretty heavy weather that we had over the Easter bank holiday.
Jun 20, 2005
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See the above thread. It does the air awnings to death :)
Ask Parksy to send me your email mail and I will send you some pics of damage to the leg and the new parts sent to me by Kampa . Easter was the third storm our Kampa experienced.
We kept our Isabella Magnum which we now use out of summer season or when the weather is likely to be bad.
I suspect your bow legs arise for two reasons.
1. The main guy lines haven't been positioned correctly.
2.You have applied too much tension on the storm guys.

The main front guys should all come away from the front at 90 degs not 45 degs.
At 45 degs and with storm guys at 45 degs (correct) the stress load on the air leg will cause the bow leg.
Never had any trouble feeding it through the awning rail but it is heavy.Remember the Izzy is only mainly the roof as the side and front zip in later.
Scotland and the forthcoming Woosie fest will be the Izzy.The summer trips the Kampa.
The Izzy pegging system imo is best.
I use the Izzy storm pegs for the Kampa.
Horses for Courses.
I will confirm again the after sales service from Kampa whilst I was away at Easter was brilliant.
They UPS Express parcelled spares to me foc.
May 24, 2014
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Thanks guys. I tend to think the velcro issue may sort out knock kneed nora but the awning rail issue is something else. The tubular profile kept getting trapped in the awning rail slot and jamming which is why i feel the profile may have a slightly smaller diameter than a trad awning.

I could consign the poles to the bin and get a decent seal without them and the storm bands are easy sorted.

Truth is though apart from the issues some of which are surmountable, I just dont like the thing. I watched one on Fleabay tonight sell for 535.oo and mine has all the extras and a warranty. In all honesty thats my plan and prob back to the Issy. If I have one fault with Iasy strangely enough its the pegging system. I much preferred ladders to those elastics.
Apr 7, 2008
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The reason it gets trapped is due to the weight of the awning trying to pull it back out of the rail, I found that if you can get the awning into a loose pile when feeding it in it works ok, i have a piece of trim that goes along the top of the windows and it sometimes fouls on it :angry: but using this method i have managed to put up the awning by myself. :p ;)
May 24, 2014
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Pleased to report all problems sorted.

Replaced today with Isabella Ambassador.

Got a great deal too, thumbs up to Campbells for an exceptionally good service.
Jun 20, 2005
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Good choice Thingy.
Will you keep the Kampa for touring?
I like the Izzy pegging fasteners better than the Ladder things on the Kampa.
May 24, 2014
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Funny, I actually prefer ladders.
I got home from New Forest at 1600, put the Kampa on Ebay at 1700 and it was sold before 1800. Never had so many offers, it sold really well and for a good price.
Mar 2, 2010
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We did try Sir Rogers air awning and while I can see they have many advantages over a regular awning we diecided to stick with our Isabella Ambassador.We get it sorted very quickly and it stood up well to gales at Brean recently for a week.Also there arnt many caravan shops here and abroad that dont keep Isabella spares.
May 24, 2014
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We have had issy before this one, a Capri Lux and the later Capri Coal. Both fantastic but i believe the Ambassador to be an advancement on them. Noticed already this is somewhat heavier than the Capri.
Nov 16, 2015
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Oh, heavier, might have to watch where you carry it, for the nose weight !!!!!!!

Ok Naughty Corner for me as well. :blush:
Mar 8, 2009
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Got a Kampa Rally Air Pro 330, erected it last week for the 1st. time, on hard standing, some nice features (which we had seen in the showroom before buying) we got it up quite easily, but 1 or 2 things didn't like , like the front skirt doesn't peg down. (Probably modify that!). Did buy the roof insulation sheet but didn't fit it as being on hard standing with groundsheet down, didn't expect the amount of condensation 'drip' that we got, (why is that, is it a material property?) never had that amount with previous awnings, full & porch.

As far as we are concerned the 'jury' is still out, it is certainly not all plusses! --- Ihope we develop a liking for it, or there may be another one on the market!
Feb 3, 2008
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Gabsgrandad said:
, didn't expect the amount of condensation 'drip' that we got, (why is that, is it a material property?) never had that amount with previous awnings, full & porch.

Yes, the type of material. The materials used on lighter weight awnings tends to be thinner nylon based (and not breathable) rather than the thicker material of heavier awnings which do breathe better. One gets similar condensation problems on light weight tents as well, a known problem. :(
May 24, 2014
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WC, Gabsgrandad is talking about the Pro version which is the heavier fabric more like a trad awning. However I would say that its still a combination of the material, lack of ventilation and damp ground warming up during the day.

Further to what I originally said though, I think the storm bands are utter garbage and wouldnt hold a kiddies balloon down in a light breeze.
Jun 20, 2005
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Gabsgrandad said:
Got a Kampa Rally Air Pro 330, erected it last week for the 1st. time, on hard standing, some nice features (which we had seen in the showroom before buying) we got it up quite easily, but 1 or 2 things didn't like , like the front skirt doesn't peg down. (Probably modify that!). Did buy the roof insulation sheet but didn't fit it as being on hard standing with groundsheet down, didn't expect the amount of condensation 'drip' that we got, (why is that, is it a material property?) never had that amount with previous awnings, full & porch.

As far as we are concerned the 'jury' is still out, it is certainly not all plusses! --- Ihope we develop a liking for it, or there may be another one on the market!
My Isabella Magnum uses at least twice as many pegs as the Kampa. That said even I the last three storms the front skirt didn't lift or leak.
One half of the roof did collect water .That may have been my fault.
One thing is very clear to me. The Kampa is not a replacement for the Izzy more a fair weather alternative.
If I had to choose between the two the Izzy will stay.
Mar 14, 2005
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Just back from first trip with our air awning. Gateawy 390 Air, easy to put up, inflates from the valves inside the awning,no leaks, no condensation, light inside and roof windows let lots of sunlight in, the material is tent like and the 'curtains' are attached to the windows, so all good, 2 of the panels zip out completely making it easier to put up and take down, only downside so far is that we took it down wet, and it is bulkier to dry than our traditional porch, because of the inflatable legs will try it again soon and fine tune the pegging and guy ropes, not sure it will be used every time we go away, like Dusty think will we keep our old porch for Winter use.
Mar 27, 2011
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Hi Woodsie, did you buy the gateway from leisure megastore as they say they're the only people that sell it and the 280 is out of stock and no idea when due in which is a shame as like the look of it.

Jan 2, 2006
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The issue of difficulty of feeding it through the awning rail go back to a post I put on here a while ago stating that many new vans these days no longer have an awning let in point high up forcing you to pull the weight of the awning often around tight bends
Mar 14, 2005
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HI Bphee

We saw one at the NEC in October and it was pre order for March at £499 for the 390,we bought ours from leisure megastore which I believe is part of Gateway for £396,they had it advertised on a well known auction site at £459,although the new stock they have coming in is priced at £550,we are happy with the quality and value for money, last time I looked they still had 280 size available, might be worth giving them a call, the person I dealt with was Maxine, very helpful.Just checked their website saying low stock of 280 at £2.99
Mar 27, 2011
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Hi Woodsie, yes the 280 @ 299 is in stock but that's the 2015 version, the new one for 2016 has twice as thick material which is what I liked about it plus according to the website various other improvements and it's 430 but as I said out of stock till who knows when but not any time soon, not to worry plenty of these sort about so I'll keep looking.

Mar 14, 2005
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Sorry didn't realise they were 2015 ours is 2016, the material is heavier and has windows in roof,when we bought ours they told us next delivery was sometime in May so maybe not too long to wait, they also do one called Hartland, a friend has seen it and thought it looked good too.
Sep 11, 2010
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had our air rally awning out this weekend awning went up better problem this time bought an electric pump(kampa)but this would not inflate the awning had to use the hand pump (glad we took it with us ) rang up tenthire where it came from to complain was told it takes 20/25 min to inlfate the awning, going to take it back but quite a trip from crewe, has anyone got one and can they tell me how long it takes to blow up . it only went up to couple of pounds after setting at 11.90 psi when I took pipe out the air flow from the tube was very low hopew its faulty as not impressed for 70 quid ,( found the awning fits best when on level ground was heavy going around the awning rail and tubes kept sticking on repeater side lampI.think the more times it is put up the easier it will be)
Apr 7, 2008
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alunagolf said:
had our air rally awning out this weekend awning went up better problem this time bought an electric pump(kampa)but this would not inflate the awning had to use the hand pump (glad we took it with us ) rang up tenthire where it came from to complain was told it takes 20/25 min to inlfate the awning, going to take it back but quite a trip from crewe, has anyone got one and can they tell me how long it takes to blow up . it only went up to couple of pounds after setting at 11.90 psi when I took pipe out the air flow from the tube was very low hopew its faulty as not impressed for 70 quid ,( found the awning fits best when on level ground was heavy going around the awning rail and tubes kept sticking on repeater side lampI.think the more times it is put up the easier it will be)

It should only take a few mins with a electric pump to get it to full pressure, obviously there is a problem that requires sorting...

By the way what type / model is it that you are having the problem with ?
Jun 20, 2005
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it only went up to couple of pounds after setting at 11.90 psi when I took pipe out the air flow from the tube was very low

Alunagolf if what you said above is true then I suspect you may not be using the pump correctly. Air cannot escape from the "filling "tube. It is one way. However the "exit " tubes used for deflation can inadvertently be used to fill. Leakage will occur and there is no one way valve.
I assume all the cross over valves are correctly positioned and all the exit valves fully closed??
Full erection probably takes a minute or so .


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