Surfer said:
Big diference is that it heats up the caravan a lot better.
I challenge that statement:- I have done work on heating and AC systems in caravans, and I can state categorically that a properly installed and adjusted blown hot air system can produce a very even heat distribution throughout the caravan.
For example a 1994 22ft caravan with an outside temperature of -5C was heated with a 3kW gas heater with the blower turned on and after about an hour we achieved +18 at floor level in all areas and +20 head height at front and rear and + 22 over the heater. This may seem like a long time to some, but the conditions weer very severe with a sustained outside temperature of -5C The temperature would creep up a bit further given more time but not by much more as the heaters thermostat started to modulate the flame.
The blown air system is key to the mixing and overall evening out of the temperatures throughout the caravan. The same test carried out with the blower turned off caused floor temperatures of only +4C and a peak roof temperatuer of 28C. - The classic hot head cold feet syndrome.
The Alde systems do have a better heat distribution system, in that it uses a hot liquid circulation, so the radidators will be more evenly warmed but, they rely on being able to convect up the back of seats and through top lockers, and both of these can easiliy become blocked vastly reducing the convetion routes. The top of the caravan will become substantially warmer than the floor area becasue there is no forced circulation of the air to mix it up. (see
The heat up time depends on the heat output settings of either system. Which ever system is used, given slightly warmer outside temperatures more typical of the UK, the wam up times will be quicker, and the heat layering (without blowers) would be less pronounced, giving and even more even overall temperature.
For many years UK caravanners have been served well by Truma type blown air systems, It is a fact that many sytems have not been optomised and could actually perform better. Try tweeking the air ouput regulators, smaller opening nearer the heater and larger ones further away. direct the outlet towards the floor, as moving air tends to stick to the surface over which it is travelling so the warmth will cover a wider area. For the technically minded this is the co-ander effect and its what makes aircraft wings work.
Many caravanners are very happy with the Alde system, so its not that one system is necessarily better than the other, they are just two ways of achieving a similar goal.