Am I anti children please help!

May 29, 2006
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When do you draw the line between harmless fun with children and dangerous behaviour around caravans that have cost alot of money to buy? We went to a campsite at the weekend where children were playing football, frisby and cricket in the middle of a small square field with everyones caravans around the outside even though there was a separate playing field provided. The frisby got stuck on the roof of the caravan next to ours and instead of the children calling it a day they went and got a step ladder and a stick and tried to get it down unsucessfully but the woman inside didn't come out! Children were doing handstands on our pitch, running around everyones cars and screaming and shouting. I have never had any problems before and wondered if it was just unlucky? We packed up the next morning and left losing our pitch money. We went to another campsite that we knew was well organised. I partly blame the campsite for putting a couple amongst all the families when there were other pitches available. They did offer to move us but we had had enough by then. Why do some parents think its ok for their children to ruin other peoples holidays?
May 19, 2008
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Hi Mandy,

I don't think you're anti-children you're just taking care of your pride and joy. You worked hard to get the money to pay for it too.

I have 3 children and if you holidayed with us you wouldn't be tortured. I forbid them to play football or throw frisbees near other peoples vans (or our own for that matter).

Lots of people nowadays have no respect for property and children have no respect for adults.

Without going completely off-topic, I blame it on children being reared by child-minders who couldn't give a fiddlers about them and have no control of them, rather than the way that it should be - children reared by their families (or extended families).

Bet that gets me into some peoples bad books :(

Rant over



Mar 17, 2007
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No you are not anti-children you are anti-unacceptable behaviour. I am a foster parent and therefore absolutely not anti children but I expect my children to behave well around other peoples' vans and have a lots of fun and high energy play in the play area. Of course it all comes down to parents wo cannot or will not put boundaries on their children.

Jan 19, 2008
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Totally agree with you Bob. My wife was a stay at home mother of three and our daughter, who has four children, stays at home to look after them.

I find it sad that some, like friends of ours daughter, starts to look out for nursery care as soon as she learns she's pregnant.
Jul 27, 2007
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Please lets not turn this into an attack on working mothers. Needless to say, everyone makes the best decisions for their children that they can and this may mean mothers have to work.



Mar 17, 2007
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I'm with you Lynne my children were all cared for by a childminder. Always well behaved and have grown into caring (young)adults. I am a working foster carer hence my charge goes to after school and holiday care and in spite of his considerable early hardships and abuse is making good progress. It is imposible to generalise. Good parents find good childcare, impose good boundaries and teach respect. Some parents don't, whether they bring the child up themselves or find childcare.

Jan 19, 2008
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Ian, it's not an attack, just an observation of fact.

Mel says "whether they bring the child up themselves or find childcare".

A child that is made between a couple is of their own flesh and blood. It's not a must have fashion accessory or a pet. I know people now who are working way past retirement age. Why?

Because as one person only put it last week that if she retires she will become a surrogate mother to her grandchildren while her daughter goes out to work.

When people get to the autumn of their lives it should be their times together then, that is if they aren't divorced from the pressures of families. They have already brought up and reared their own children and shouldn't have to rear their grandchildren. It is their time together now, people are a long time dead. I love my grandchildren and see them almost daily but thankfully our daughter as never put us in the predicament of having to choose of being together and enjoying our retirement or having to look after her children.

Sorry if you disagree and you can call me a boring old f*rt but I'm sure most, when they come of retirement age, will think as I do.


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Mandy

Sorry to hear what happened. Just out of interest, where did the children get the step ladder from? Bit of a bulky item to be carrying around.

I take exception to people's comments about working mothers, I am one myself. My daughter has been brought up to know right from wrong, I have taught her respect etc.

Unfortunately, if you look at it that way, some women can earn a lot more than men in today's society.

May 29, 2006
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Hi Mandy

Sorry to hear what happened. Just out of interest, where did the children get the step ladder from? Bit of a bulky item to be carrying around.

I take exception to people's comments about working mothers, I am one myself. My daughter has been brought up to know right from wrong, I have taught her respect etc.

Unfortunately, if you look at it that way, some women can earn a lot more than men in today's society.

Hi lisa

It was a small 3 to 4 step ladder the sort you would carry if you had trouble reaching the top of your awning maybe? I don't really know about the step ladder. I would just like to clear up that I never mentioned about mums working or not in my original message. I don't see what difference that makes. Mandy
Jul 25, 2007
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Hi Mandy,

I do not think you are anti children. It is not unreasonable to expect children to behave in a more acceptable manner. More to the point though, interest that they appeared NOT to be supervised by adults !!!

Another case of parents abdicating their responsibilities perhaps ??

Jun 20, 2005
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What a shame there are kids out there who seem to have no respect for other peoples property.

My kids were brought up to have lots of fun but not at the inconvenience of other caravanners.

We came home from Trewethett Farm Tintagel on sunday. The difference in the cleanliness of the toilets was immediately apparent when the "half termers " arived on friday / saturday. I feel very sorry for the wardens who do a splendid job just to have it all undone by the selfish minority. Worse still were the number of kids riding bikes at quite fast a pace around the hilly site. It is not the wardens job to police these cretins but their parents. God forbid another Rowntree park incident happens again.

The real problem the offenders parents don't seem to read these forums so have no idea what their sprog is up to.


Aug 9, 2005
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I would have been very annoyed, what was the site manager doing allowing this type of behaviour from the said children,it is not a case of putting people in seperate area's, the rules should be No Ball games, No kites,and NO bikes around Caravans, and these rules should be enforced, I know for a fact that my Hubby would have been our there like a shot.
Jan 8, 2008
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I would have been very annoyed, what was the site manager doing allowing this type of behaviour from the said children,it is not a case of putting people in seperate area's, the rules should be No Ball games, No kites,and NO bikes around Caravans, and these rules should be enforced, I know for a fact that my Hubby would have been our there like a shot.
These are all the reasons we only ever go on "Adult only" sites,but this is not a caravan issue its all thats wrong with society. A generation of unruly,ignorant kids.
Jun 20, 2005
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I will now admit we do go away in July and August for this very reason. Not entirely the kids fault but we saved hard for our caravan and do not want it trashed by the half termers.

I must add that my kids , long left the nest, grew up camping and caravanning and were not like the layabouts I see today. I do emphasise for every bad one I do see a good one!!


Oct 24, 2007
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Hi Mandy

No you are not anti children, we were @ a Camping & caravan site a couple of weeks ago& kids were playing hide & seek round the vans,football & kite flying, but are some parents to blame as no one seems to tell them off nowadays, its a case of out of sight out of mind with some parents,& others are then tarred with the same brush,not all kids are the same, some people even let their dogs roam & mess anywhere, which makes it bad on others who keep them on leads, perhaps there is some thing to be said about adult only sites?

Mick K.
May 18, 2007
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Frisbee and hide and seek - blimey what is the world coming too!Here is a hint - dont't go away during school holidays or stick to your adult sites.You can all moan together then.

I think the most important issue on campsites is speeding - most of which is done by the retired folks.Everyone else is generalising so I will too.

I have never seen unruly children on-sites both private and CC to the degree that people mention on here.
Jan 19, 2008
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Frisbee and hide and seek - blimey what is the world coming too!Here is a hint - dont't go away during school holidays or stick to your adult sites.You can all moan together then.

I think the most important issue on campsites is speeding - most of which is done by the retired folks.Everyone else is generalising so I will too.

I have never seen unruly children on-sites both private and CC to the degree that people mention on here.
How long have you been caravanning Jonathan, not long I wouldn't think. It is a fact of life that some don't care what their kids are doing, as an aquaintance once told me, "our kids love it onsite, once we arrive they have gone making new friends and we don't see them for hours".

BTW if you look around you kids also speed on site on their bikes, often going against the one way flow of traffic.

Most kids are well behaved, some almost angelic but don't try and paper the issue over because it's fact, there are unruly kids on sites and often with unruly parents.
Jun 20, 2005
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If you were at Trewethett Farm this week you would see a good example of the points made on this thread.

The corollary to your view must be that kids start off unruly, become unruly parents who allow their sprogs to speed around sites and mess up the toilets, and then become old speedsters.

Now what came first the chicken or the egg??

I say it's decent parental care that is the cause.


Aug 9, 2005
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Hi Mandy

No you are not anti children, we were @ a Camping & caravan site a couple of weeks ago& kids were playing hide & seek round the vans,football & kite flying, but are some parents to blame as no one seems to tell them off nowadays, its a case of out of sight out of mind with some parents,& others are then tarred with the same brush,not all kids are the same, some people even let their dogs roam & mess anywhere, which makes it bad on others who keep them on leads, perhaps there is some thing to be said about adult only sites?

Mick K.
Hi Mick k, again I say where were the wardens,!!!!? why were they not looking after the site and seeing that all rules are obeyed,I think it is time we all took a stand and complained about this behaviour at the highest level, I always do and always will,I keep complaining until the wardens are seen to be doing the job they are paid for, after all we pay their wages.
Dec 16, 2007
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Hi Mandy,

I wouldn't say you were anti children !

We have our own son and we often take friends as well, we make sure they are not disturbing anyone and if they come into the awning to get a football we ensure that they play well away from caravans !!

On the weekend our friends tested their brand new Senator, around 6:30 in the morning she was doing the dishes and there were children playing very close to the van and as you can imagine with a brand new caravan they were a bit anxious so she put down the cloth and went outside and asked them to play a bit further away from the van, they completely ignored her and then the oldest child (about 9) threw a metal toy straight at the van and started laughing and then ran. On inspecting the van they discovered a massive dent.

They went over to tell the parents and the reply from the parents was "you can't prove it was our children and if you are scared to bring your van to a site then go somewhere lonely".

Our friends were really upset about this and left immediately.

I think this is becoming more and more of a problem and should be dealt with by wardens.
Jun 28, 2007
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Hi Mandy

I dont think you're anti children , you work hard for your luxuries and its only right you get to enjoy them how you wish too. That includes how peaceful the site should be for you and other users.

I've got a 2 1/2 year old , yes he's in nursery because my wife works (albeit 3 days a week). She works partly because she wants to , partly because she trained long and hard to become a nurse , and partly because her salary helps us pay for our luxuries in life , i.e caravanning.

We are fortunate that we can also afford to send little one to a nursery that is linked to our local Private school and the ethos of the school is maintained right through to the nursery.

People who know us (and many who do not) comment on how well behaved our son is. Thats down to our standards and those of our chosen nursery.

And thats where I think the problem lies.


I was raised to be respectful to others and their property and so will my kid(s).

We see daily on the news of how low our society is stooping because sections of parents do not care any longer.

My jaw dropped when the news reader today said that a 12 and 13 year old had been arrested with regarding to a fatal stabbing.

At 12 / 13 I hadn't got a clue what violence was let alone the notion to carry a knife.

Sadly those who do not read this forum are probably those who do not have morals or standards and therefore our ramblings go unheard and do not strike a chord where they should be.

For my part one little lad will be raised with decency , respect , and standards.
May 29, 2006
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Hi Mandy,

I wouldn't say you were anti children !

We have our own son and we often take friends as well, we make sure they are not disturbing anyone and if they come into the awning to get a football we ensure that they play well away from caravans !!

On the weekend our friends tested their brand new Senator, around 6:30 in the morning she was doing the dishes and there were children playing very close to the van and as you can imagine with a brand new caravan they were a bit anxious so she put down the cloth and went outside and asked them to play a bit further away from the van, they completely ignored her and then the oldest child (about 9) threw a metal toy straight at the van and started laughing and then ran. On inspecting the van they discovered a massive dent.

They went over to tell the parents and the reply from the parents was "you can't prove it was our children and if you are scared to bring your van to a site then go somewhere lonely".

Our friends were really upset about this and left immediately.

I think this is becoming more and more of a problem and should be dealt with by wardens.
Hi Ian,

That's terrible I would be really upset, I mean you work hard to save to buy something really nice and then why should other people be allowed to ruin it? We were afraid to leave our caravan at the campsite we were on incase of damage so that is why we up and left as we couldn't of gone out for the day because we knew it would get damaged. Why do these parents have no respect for other people you can't really blame the kids if thats the attitude of the parents they don't know any different. Hope it hasn't ruined caravaning for your friends as most campsites are great. Mandy
May 29, 2006
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Frisbee and hide and seek - blimey what is the world coming too!Here is a hint - dont't go away during school holidays or stick to your adult sites.You can all moan together then.

I think the most important issue on campsites is speeding - most of which is done by the retired folks.Everyone else is generalising so I will too.

I have never seen unruly children on-sites both private and CC to the degree that people mention on here.
I was waiting for a reply like yours Jonathan. If a child dented your caravan that you had just paid alot of money for and worked hard to buy would you be so flippant I doubt it! I am not going to be put off going on holiday because its school holidays or why should I go to an adults only site because parents can't control their children I have been caravaning along time and this is the first time I have experienced anything bad on a campsite. I suspect you are one of the few who I would like to avoid whilst caravaning as attitudes like yours have got our country in the mess its in today. There chew on that!

Jun 5, 2005
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Hi Mandy

I dont think you're anti children , you work hard for your luxuries and its only right you get to enjoy them how you wish too. That includes how peaceful the site should be for you and other users.

I've got a 2 1/2 year old , yes he's in nursery because my wife works (albeit 3 days a week). She works partly because she wants to , partly because she trained long and hard to become a nurse , and partly because her salary helps us pay for our luxuries in life , i.e caravanning.

We are fortunate that we can also afford to send little one to a nursery that is linked to our local Private school and the ethos of the school is maintained right through to the nursery.

People who know us (and many who do not) comment on how well behaved our son is. Thats down to our standards and those of our chosen nursery.

And thats where I think the problem lies.


I was raised to be respectful to others and their property and so will my kid(s).

We see daily on the news of how low our society is stooping because sections of parents do not care any longer.

My jaw dropped when the news reader today said that a 12 and 13 year old had been arrested with regarding to a fatal stabbing.

At 12 / 13 I hadn't got a clue what violence was let alone the notion to carry a knife.

Sadly those who do not read this forum are probably those who do not have morals or standards and therefore our ramblings go unheard and do not strike a chord where they should be.

For my part one little lad will be raised with decency , respect , and standards.
I think the comment was fully justified , why should people have to worry about damage to their goods that they have worked hard for. Whether parents like it or not a lot of children , either intentionally or unitentionally can and do cause damage.

I personally would like to see sites advertised as available for those with children rather than adults only . Means the same thing but perhaps it would help get he message across.
Oct 24, 2007
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Frisbee and hide and seek - blimey what is the world coming too!Here is a hint - dont't go away during school holidays or stick to your adult sites.You can all moan together then.

I think the most important issue on campsites is speeding - most of which is done by the retired folks.Everyone else is generalising so I will too.

I have never seen unruly children on-sites both private and CC to the degree that people mention on here.

All I can say about your comment is are you totally blind or just partially sighted?

Mick K.


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