It's probably because the website was running verrrryyyyyy slllllowwwwwwwwllly and people probably clicked the 'submit' button more than once, thinking it hadn't dooooonnnnnnneeee annnyyyyyythiinnnnnnngggggg. I got fed up with it and switched to another forum for a bit. Back now!
It's probably because the website was running verrrryyyyyy slllllowwwwwwwwllly and people probably clicked the 'submit' button more than once, thinking it hadn't dooooonnnnnnneeee annnyyyyyythiinnnnnnngggggg. I got fed up with it and switched to another forum for a bit. Back now!
It's probably because the website was running verrrryyyyyy slllllowwwwwwwwllly and people probably clicked the 'submit' button more than once, thinking it hadn't dooooonnnnnnneeee annnyyyyyythiinnnnnnngggggg. I got fed up with it and switched to another forum for a bit. Back now!