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Mar 16, 2005
The haulier that was on TV wasn't the one from Kent. If I recall rightly he was from Staffs. All he said was he was giving up hauling to the continent because at the rate/cost of fines he would end up bankrupt. He was going to concentrate on just this country.

That is sad,really. but what does that have to do with the immigrant question,are we now concerned solely with haulage companies being fined? because thats government legislation not to be confused with immigration issues surely?

I know the haulage business is tough on many scores from companies having drivers break tacho laws regular and doing nothing about it because it gives them an edge to undercut.

If you have thrieving contracts to deliever to the continent,trust me
Jan 9, 2008
When comparing UK haulage prices you should remember that most continental truckers are often on lower wages, truck purchase costs cheaper and depot costs a lot cheaper, servicing costs cheaper as well as fuel. Then there are VAT advantages to be had for our continental cousins.

According to some government stats a few weeks ago, immigrants do not make any valuable contribution to UK economy until they earn and pay tax on
Jan 19, 2008
Quote "Plus don't forget those who walk in and then claim for children at home, and I understand that there are serious doubts that all of the children claimed for exist".

Apparently the government are now going to do something about the legal loophole that allows migrants to claim for families back home. Don't count on it happening soon or at all because next the human rights vulture lawyers will take it to the high court and drag it on for 3 or 4 years at the cost of millions.

The Polish authorities say they are also paying family benefits to these families.

Millions of Poles in the U.K. working. British factories closing down and moving to Poland. Poland encouraging Romanians and Bulgarians to go and work there because their work force is over here ... what a stupid world we live in.

Everything is rosy though, no problems :O) ... hehheh!

(Sticks my head back up my bum) ... night night all ;O)
Mar 14, 2005
A large independant haulage firm in the Bridgend area has now sold all his fleet of artics, workshops, storage facilities and has pocketed the money and ran. The firm is still trading under the original established business name but run by a consortium.

As far as British people out of work the majority of these are too damn lazy to get off their backsides to work. They know how to milk the system right, left and centre. One person I know can tell you the title and reference numbers on the forms to claim benefit. Another has admitted that he has no intentions of working and has never worked in his life as he is having a good living off the SS. I also know of a person who is "suffering" with severe back pains and has mobility car but can play golf four times a week and has been captain of his club on three occassions. He is also off on an Arctic cruise for his wedding anniversery.

Immigrants are supposed under International Human Rights convention to settle in the first safe country they come to. How many countries do they pass through before reaching the UK? France and Germany are driving a double decker bus through European laws to suit themselves but the minute the UK steps out of line they are down on us like a ton of bricks.
Jan 19, 2008
Colin do you ever expect things to improve between us and Europe. In all honesty do you feel European? I certainly don't. Why would you think that Germany or France would treat us as equal partners?

Even DeGaulle said NON! when we first wanted to join. This from a man who had refuge on these shores and thousands of our citizens along with Americans and other Commonwealth countries died liberating his country.

We have more in common spiritually, politically and culturally with the U.S.A Australia, Canada and New Zealand than we do with Europe. We abandonded them, our natural trading partners including the Nordic countries to eventually join the E.U. one of this countries biggest mistakes and historians of the future will see that this is so.

Probably the only thing we have in common with Europe is the royal family and I'd better not start that debate off again ... lmaoooo.
Mar 14, 2005
Apart from your views on the Royal family Lord B. I would agree with you 100%. As you say DeGaulle refused Sir Winston Churchill entry to the EU back in the 1950s and now they have us by the proverbials. I have always been anti EU and should there be either a UKIP or BNP candidate standing at the next general election in this constituancy they will get my vote.

One point I do not understand about British politicians is that they are all in favour of an United States of Europe but with the same breath they want to divide the UK up into smaller independant countries. Where is the logic in this?
Mar 14, 2005
I get the impression I'm in a residential home for pensioners here. Lots of living in the past, relishing in old memories of how wonderful things used to be (after all, one only remembers the good points) and completely oblivious to the ever changing world outside. There's no way clocks can be turned back. Anyone still hoping for a return to cheap energy, for example, is like an ostrich burying his head in the sand. If one cuts one's self off from the outside one mustn't be surprised if one is treated as an outsider and have even less to say. I reckon that as soon as North Sea oil has dried up, the Norwegians, too, will come crawling to the front door in Brussels, asking to come in. If it weren't for Switzerland's dogmatic approach to neutrality, they'd have been in the EU long ago, as well.
Jan 19, 2008
The Home Office complains that if illegal immigrants refuse to identify the country they are from they cannot send them back so they are here forever. Surely the country they are from is the one just across the channel, send them back there, it's the Frogs problem not ours.

If we did that maybe they would then let us use the scanners again to catch them in their country or maybe they should send them back to Africa before they allow them to travel the length of France to reach the Channel ports. Many even travel from Spain, how do they as illegals get past border controls between those two countries, it all stinks and both countries are in collusion because they know the problem is sorted once they get to soft touch Britain, their destination from the outset.
Mar 14, 2005
What border controls between France and Spain? There aren't any. In many cases the buildings at the border have been demolished and the only way you know you've crossed into another country is the change of language of the road signs. Obviously, the controls at the edges of the EU aren't working properly. It's definitely not a "Frog's problem" (unless they entered through one of the French Mediterranean ports).

As for, quote,"We have more in common spiritually, politically and culturally with the U.S.A Australia, Canada and New Zealand than we do with Europe., that's wishful thinking out of the past. The USA doesn't need the UK so it would be an illusion to think that one would be accepted as an equal partner with them and Australia has long since shifted its focus towards Asia and there's no reason why Australia should turn back. Lots more Asians are settling there than new immigrants from the UK.
Jan 19, 2008
"It's definitely not a "Frog's problem" (unless they entered through one of the French Mediterranean ports)".

Well one things guaranteed Lutz, they aren't coming around the Bay of Biscay in their flimsy boats and landing on the sandy shores of Cornwall.

Regarding America I was talking pre our joining the E.U. when we ditched them and as for the Americans now I think you are out of touch with reality Lutz. They have an identical problem over immigration that we have, infact one of their sayings is "Welcome to America, now speak English" and it's through our common language that we have more in common with the U.S. than Europe. As for Australia if you haven't seen their problems regarding people who wont integrate you must have been living a hermits life :O)
Feb 7, 2007
I would just like to ask :- If everyone that comes to England is paying their taxes and the population is expanding at the rate it is, how come the government can't think up ways to raise taxes quick enough? Surely we should be paying less tax - not more?
Mar 14, 2005
Well one things guaranteed Lutz, they aren't coming around the Bay of Biscay in their flimsy boats and landing on the sandy shores of Cornwall.

No, I know they aren't but as there are no border controls when entering France from another EU country, it remains a problem at the edges of the EU, not within the EU.

As for America, Spanish has become the second official language in California as one of the prime immigrant states, so there's no absolute need to speak English. Who's to judge whether English has any more right to be spoken than Spanish, especially when such a large part of the population is of Spanish descent? There are many countries in the world where two or more languages live side-by-side (Belgium, Switzerland, etc.).
Jan 9, 2008
We have UK customs/immigation at Continetal ferry ports. Why are they not searching lorries?

And why are vehicles not searched on the ferries before they get to close to the UK. Then illegals or those without visas could be thrown overbord to swim back to France!

Shoot to kill at ports for any that escaped detection would send the message that you go about entry to Britain in the right way or you don't come.
Jan 19, 2008
The answer to that is simple Julie. The legal immigrants, although better paid that in their own country, don't earn enough here to pay taxes.

We have to pay higher taxes to subsidise the benefits this country gives them to send back home to their families, benefits like child allowance. They don't pay into N.I. but get the same health treatment as we do.

The illegal immigrants have nothing so have to be housed, clothed, fed, given money for heating etc to set them up for their future life of crime because an high proportion of them are rapists/murderers etc. who are on the run from the law in their own countries. You only have to look and see how many innocent people have lost their lives here from their criminal activities. Once caught they cannot be deported because if they are sent back to Somalia it is a country deemed to be unsafe and infringes on their human rights. If they don't declare what country they are from again, they cannot be deported.

It's all starting again now with Bulgarians and Romanians and their people trafficking and drug dealing.

This country is truly the dustbin of the world where they are welcomed with open arms by the left wing liberal numpties who for some reason seem to be trying to atone for some misdeeds in their past :O)
Mar 14, 2005
Fact is they are searching lorries at the Continental ports, Jason, but still these illegal immigrants are finding ways of entering the country, if necessary, by people smugglers who are making a mint out of it.

When arrived at Calais the other week with a van, they went all over it inside to see whether there was someone hiding under the stuff in the back. Even with a caravan, they've looked under the beds.
Jan 19, 2008
I'm aware of the fact there are places where more than one language is spoken Lutz but like here, English is the official language. In making that point I was merely saying that it is happening in America where American citizens are saying enough is enough and to speak English.

It is costing our country millions of pounds just to provide translators to every agency, whether that be courts, schools or police for example.

As for there being no border between France and Spain we do have a border, and like it or not it's a big moat called the ENGLISH :eek:) channel. We try to address the problem of Africas underworld trying to reach our shores but the Frogs scupper our attempts simply because it means they would then stay in France and it would become their problem.
Mar 14, 2005
Well one things guaranteed Lutz, they aren't coming around the Bay of Biscay in their flimsy boats and landing on the sandy shores of Cornwall.

No, I know they aren't but as there are no border controls when entering France from another EU country, it remains a problem at the edges of the EU, not within the EU.

As for America, Spanish has become the second official language in California as one of the prime immigrant states, so there's no absolute need to speak English. Who's to judge whether English has any more right to be spoken than Spanish, especially when such a large part of the population is of Spanish descent? There are many countries in the world where two or more languages live side-by-side (Belgium, Switzerland, etc.).
Mar 14, 2005
I was under the impression that the benefits handed out by the State had recently been standardised throughout Europe therefore if this is the case they should be able to get the same monies in any EU state including Poland, Bulgaria, etc.
Jan 19, 2008
Colin, due to a legal loophole in the law in our oh so generous to those from other countries benefits system, immigrants can claim for their dependents back in their countries of origin. This as been going on a long time and these people are also fiddling the system by claiming the same benefits off their own government.

Our government, from being under pressure, is now talking about addressing the problem but as usual it will take years because no doubts the human rights lawyers will sniff a few more millions to be made and take it to the High Court claiming by stopping the payments infringes these peoples human rights.
Jan 9, 2008
Lutz, that has been standard practice for some time. So how do the people smugglers get them in? And why do thousands crawl around in the shadows at Calais.

In France and UK the job of stopping these people is not being done well enough!

Come in legally or get shot, dumped in the sea or if lucky dropped back where you are thought to have come from. If you are in danger that's your hard luck. The UK is not here to feed every lame duck that walks the earth, we have enough of our own here to feed, clothe and train and employ before anyone else comes in. We also have a whole load that need throwing out bacause they are illegal low life scumbags.
Jan 19, 2008
Hey gio, where are ya, you've gone quiet?

I bet the buggers gone of to London and is right now in the reading rooms of the House of Parliament researching Hansard. All this to get some facts and figures just to prove me wrong :O(
Mar 16, 2005
Hey gio, where are ya, you've gone quiet?

I bet the buggers gone of to London and is right now in the reading rooms of the House of Parliament researching Hansard. All this to get some facts and figures just to prove me wrong :O(
Language Timothy!
Jan 19, 2008
Hey gio, where are ya, you've gone quiet?

I bet the buggers gone of to London and is right now in the reading rooms of the House of Parliament researching Hansard. All this to get some facts and figures just to prove me wrong :O(
Oops! Sorry Your Moddyship :O(

Touches forelock and *eyes lowered,sulky icon thingy*
Mar 14, 2005
I like it - Lord Timothy Braykewynde - now if that doesn't conjur up thoughts of a gentry who bats for the other side what will? Now I can understand why he relies so much on Viagra.


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