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Jan 9, 2008

If I was in danger and wanted to leave the UK to seek asylum or work I would travel on a passport and knock at the fist safe door for help.

What you are saying is that, my host country wouldn't know where to send me back to if I was a problem as I speak English, the same as Welsh, Scots, USA, Canada, Barbados, Australian, NewZealand and many other people. RThey wouldn't possibly realise I was from England

Rubbish Lutz. I doesn't matter if you enter a country unwanted, or with no paper work or you break the law if you will not say where you originate from thats your hard luck. You should be dumped anywhere but here in an unceremonious way. Illegals in detention centres should be on basic rations to keep them healthy and doing hard labour before being dumped back where whence they came or near by. And if France, Germany, Spain or any other EU country is believed to be the place they came from then hard luck they should be dumped there if all else fails if you can't be bothered to stop them wandering your lands willy nilly.

If the Spanish can bull doze people homes and blame their countries own corrupt ways. We can dump who we want where we want with a little more effort.
Jan 19, 2008
Again, due to signing this "human rights" charter we cannot send out the correct message to these peoples. There is no deterrent and until the time they are punished and sent packing they will continue to arrive here, with the blessing of the European mainland.

It's bad enough with the legal immigrants, thats another story but these small islands have a limit before they implode on themselves. From some countries point of view they might see this as a good thing, the French have been trying for 800 years.

Answer me this please Lutz or gio.

How many do you think we could take in before we are at saturation point and destroy ourselves? Don't forget, almost the whole of Africa are impoverished or at war. Don't forget we are being flooded by criminal gangs from the new member states like Romania. So how many before the U.K. says STOP! that's enough.
Jan 9, 2008
Many of the factions that can't get on in their own countries carry on their bickering here, but our PC wonders hide that from public scrutiny in case it is interpreted as racism.
Mar 14, 2005
Come on! You don't honestly believe that an illegal immigrant coming from Africa and speaking English should be dumped on the first English-speaking country on African soil, regardless of where he or she actually came from. I can imagine the outcry from, for example, the government of Ghana having to accept immigrants from Zambia who refuse to disclose their origin.
Jan 9, 2008
I don't know where you get the "English Speaking" bit from Lutz.

Quite frankly they can dump Illegals and law breakers that come here in the middle of the English Channel, Atlantic or Mediteranean. Anything rather than the mess that is growing here.

My wife has just shown me this
It's about time Britain got tough rather than falling for every sob story lai upon us and it's time we got tough with our EU neighbours as well.
Jan 19, 2008
Interesting reading ....

"The population density here is almost double that of Germany and quadruple that of France".

............ AND THAT IS NOW.

Because those of us who love our country are saying enough is enough we are being accused of being racist. It would be understandable if the accusations were coming from immigrants who are already domicile here but they aren't.

They are coming from the indigenous population, people who seem to have a hidden past and are seeking atonement for whatever reason.
Mar 14, 2005
Dumping them in the Channel, Atlantic or Mediterranean sounds rather defeatist and is hardly a practical solution. I can see the problem that the UK has and clearly something must be done about it, but the strategy is wrong. Pressure needs to be on, not primarily France, but all countries that border directly on to non-EU countries or international waters to improve their border controls. Necessary resources need to be made available for those incapable of doing it themselves (I'm thinking, for example, about the border between Poland and the Ukraine which, from the terrain, is very difficult to control successfully). Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, dedicated action is required and pressure needs to be put on governments of those countries where the illegal immigrants originate from to provide jobs, education and housing for their own people so that they don't have the desire to leave their homeland. The trouble is that many of these regimes are so corrupt that all our assistance is being pocketed by the wrong people. That's the real issue, not whether the French aren't doing their job in preventing illegal immigrants from passing on to the UK. You can be sure that if the French did and made their border impenetrable, the illegal immigrants would try their luck from Belgium or Holland.
Jan 9, 2008
In my last 5 years at school we had kids from USA,Italy,NZ,Kenja,Uganda, Nigeria,West Indies,India,Pakistan,China and children of Poles who came here in WW2 and others.

On Sunday I went to a school reunion lunch, some were guys and gals I'm still friends with and a couple of old friends who we'd lost touch with.

We're a pretty mixed race group if that's the way to term us, as we were school kids of the 50's and 60's, Brits we all are.

The state of the country and the way we are being "over run" was a subject we got on to. "White" indigenous I was actually in the minority, but the views shared were in line with LB and me not Gio or Lutz's.

My friends Tony and Kapal who used the "over run" expression are from Jamaican and Kenyan Asian families nearly everyone was pitching in about something having to be done to to stop people coming, and throwing out the troublemakers and wasters.

And the few that lived in cities showed the most concern, one lady from Wembley who worked with immigration services said she had retired early as she could no longer take the rudeness and abuse she suffered from immigrants daily when she was actually trying to help them. An Indian immigrant herself married to a Pakistani Muslim and I couldn't post what I briefly heard her say. Her and her husband are retiring to Florida, They feel safer there.
Jan 9, 2008
Dumping them in the Channel, Atlantic or Mediterranean sounds rather defeatist and is hardly a practical solution. I can see the problem that the UK has and clearly something must be done about it, but the strategy is wrong. Pressure needs to be on, not primarily France, but all countries that border directly on to non-EU countries or international waters to improve their border controls. Necessary resources need to be made available for those incapable of doing it themselves (I'm thinking, for example, about the border between Poland and the Ukraine which, from the terrain, is very difficult to control successfully). Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, dedicated action is required and pressure needs to be put on governments of those countries where the illegal immigrants originate from to provide jobs, education and housing for their own people so that they don't have the desire to leave their homeland. The trouble is that many of these regimes are so corrupt that all our assistance is being pocketed by the wrong people. That's the real issue, not whether the French aren't doing their job in preventing illegal immigrants from passing on to the UK. You can be sure that if the French did and made their border impenetrable, the illegal immigrants would try their luck from Belgium or Holland.
"Defeatist" who cares about terminology providing it terminates the numbers heading this way that all that counts.

If it takes a few bullets to persuade people to go about things in the correct way, good.

As soon as the word gets out that all and sundrie are not welcome here the better things will be.
Jul 25, 2007
In response to someone's comments very early on in this thread where the question was asked along the lines of "Who said we are a Christian country?"

Thats a very easy question to answer: Our government said it.

How do I know ?

Because when I was a school governor some years ago the government enacted Local Management of Schools which meant that the Governors were responsible for just about every thing in the school.


It was decreed by our government that each day the school would have an assembly that would be Christian based.

The reason given by our government was that WE LIVE IN A CHRISTIAN COUNTRY.

It does not matter whether you agree/disagree or like/dislike what I have said ...... it still remains a fact and I make no comment as to my own feelings about it.

Mar 14, 2005
I get you. So it was by decree then. Thou shalt be a Christian country, therefore thou art a Christian country.
Jan 19, 2008
Lutz the simple answer is yes, we ARE a Christian country. Even our Prime Minister, a son of the Manse, will tell you that. I was born to Anglican parents and christened into that Church but the fact is, Protestant, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Prebyterian or whatever, they are all Christian and our culture was built on that.

I am not a practicing Christian and I don't believe in anyone pushing any religion down anyones throats so I don't want others coming to this country and pushing their religion, demanding their own places of worship, their own laws, their own schools and living in a country within a country.

If they don't like our laws, customs etc. feel free to go back where they came from just as they were free to come here.

For anyone to come here and embrace our way of life, our culture, I have the greatest respect for. When I see these people, whether here where I live, or in the media, no matter where they originally come from, they make me so proud by the fact they wish to integrate and embrace our way of life.

As said before, for those who don't wish to adapt and want US to adapt to their laws and culture I will fight to the last breath in my body.
Mar 16, 2005
I have been trying to catch up,good read, but i am now confused.

This thread as gone from illegal to just immigrants [thats where my gripe was and is] back to illegals.?

Which makes it hard to know what LB and jason, are really getting at. I thought it was immigrants fullstop, but know both are using illegal immigrants instead!

So if its illegals, you wont get an argument from me.

But if its immigrants, which was the way this topic had been will.
Mar 16, 2005
"christian country" well thats a joke hands up the church goers!

This is a predominently christian country. which is a little different to the term "christain country" stated by prince charles and the government, "multi cultural,and multi faith" That means we are not a totally christain country.


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