Appeal for snigger dogs


Mar 14, 2005
Just got this from Notts Police:


The dog section at Nottinghamshire Police is appealing to the public to help increase the amount of working sniffer dogs at the force.

Officers require Springer Spaniels, Labradors, or Border Collies, dogs or bitches, which are aged between one and two years of age.

The dogs will be assessed and those suitable will trained on a course in October.

If anyone feels they have a dog which would be suitable for donation and assessment contact the Nottinghamshire Police Dog Section 0115 967 2171.

End of Message 1224

John Lennard


I've got a pal who runs a business on a farm near Witney Oxfordshire, there is a specialist kennels there where they train Dogs for Police and Customs for detecting Drugs and other substances.

Companies on the site allow their offices, warehouses and vehicles to be used for training new dogs,

I've seen the dogs excitedly leaping through the air and rolling on the ground with excitement when the make a find and get their treat.

I never saw one SNIGGER ;0)


I've got a pal who runs a business on a farm near Witney Oxfordshire, there is a specialist kennels there where they train Dogs for Police and Customs for detecting Drugs and other substances.

Companies on the site allow their offices, warehouses and vehicles to be used for training new dogs,

I've seen the dogs excitedly leaping through the air and rolling on the ground with excitement when the make a find and get their treat.

I never saw one SNIGGER ;0)
ps. Most of the dogs there seem to be Spaniels, very busy busy hyper Spaniels.


Mar 14, 2005
I never for one moment thought they'd snigger, I'd imagine they'd get the sack if they did, you know what some of these police officers can be like. LOL!

Maybe other dogs might snigger when they realise they don't have to work for a living unlike the police Snigger dogs.



The last time I visited the senior trainer told me that the training involves the searching being made in to a game for reward. The dogs looka at the search and find as play with a nice treat as reward when they come up with the goodies.

With luxury Kennels and constant companionship combined with play and treats may be they snigger at stay at home pooch's.


Mar 14, 2005
Well, personally I'm thinking to writing to the Equal Opportunities Commission as I feel some dogs are being discriminated against.

The Police have named the breeds they are looking for. Does that mean that those breeds are under represented at the moment and thus, the equal ops thing is exempt on this? Like positive discrimination.

My dog expressed an interest in one of the posts but at the age of three, (the Police want dogs of between one and three), and being a SBT, he feels he's being treated unfairly.

What do you think?



Mar 14, 2005
Well, personally I'm thinking to writing to the Equal Opportunities Commission as I feel some dogs are being discriminated against.

The Police have named the breeds they are looking for. Does that mean that those breeds are under represented at the moment and thus, the equal ops thing is exempt on this? Like positive discrimination.

My dog expressed an interest in one of the posts but at the age of three, (the Police want dogs of between one and three), and being a SBT, he feels he's being treated unfairly.

What do you think?

AGE 1-2 - having a bad day today. LOL!


Is your dog not Black LMH?

They may be covering up for a race issue :)

What do SBT's Smell like? Not that you don't keep him sparkling clean, I mean his sense of smell that may not be as finely tuned as the dogs they request.

If he doesn't smell as good as other dogs may be he has a case and claim for dissability discrimination!


Mar 14, 2005

Yes he is black but I'm not sure we can get 'them' over the colour issue as it doesn't state something like 'only open to white dogs/brown dogs etc, etc'.

He smells really good, so the disability discrimination thing is probably out.

You see, he feels he has a lot to offer the community. He was gutted when he heard the fire service had taken on a chocolate labrador.

He's physically fit, has good eyesight, reasonably intelligent and computer literate (puts his paw on the keyboard), he's nice to old ladies and small children.

What we might find we can get them on is the height issue. If they say he's not tall enough, we think we might have a strong case.

Any help you can give me would be appreciated.



"CHOCOLATE" Labrador!

Don't worry Lisa's pooch I bet their was woman behind that choice :0)

Before persuing a career with the Police or a descrimination case, you should consider if you can cope with leaving home and loving owners, pampering, caravan holidays and trips to meet your buddies at shows.

Always remember that if you join the Police you will just be seen as another Pig by much of society rather than as mans best friend ;0)


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