A word of warning if you make your own aquaroll mains extension hose kit. There was a thread on here somewhere recently that recommended a site where you could buy food grade hose to make your own extension kit. I bought 10mtrs hose for a very reasonable £8.40, fitted connectors and headed to France. Yesterday, in Brittany, the weather was in the low twenties but was hot enough to heat the water in the hose, soften the hose and allow it to expand to about 3 times it's normal diameter. Today the inevitable happened, the hose burst. Looking at the thickness of the wall after yesterday's expansion I'm not surprised, it's wafer thin. The "new" size of the hose means the adaptor will now not fit after cutting off the burst length. The moral of the story is make sure you use reinforced food grade hose like the original aquasource hose.
I'm off to fill my aquaroll now
I'm off to fill my aquaroll now