Aquaroll vs. Water hog??

Oct 15, 2008
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Hi all,

My family & I are in the process of purchasing our first caravan so we need all the equipment to go with it. We've seen aquaroll and water hogs at our local dealer with only a £4 difference between the two, however the water hog has the largest capacity at 50L but is it as good as the aquaroll? Also regards the waste hog, how does this compare with the wastemaster, other than the difference in price and capacity. Your views would be greatly appreciated as this is all very new to us.


Mar 14, 2005
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We have a wastemaster for the grey water whereas our neighbour has the larger waste hog. With two gas bottles and the spare wheel in the front locker the wastemaster will still fit in the locker for travelling and storage (BAiley ranger 500/5). Our neighbour has an identical van but it is impossible to fit the waste hog in the front locker with the bottles and spare wheel - he travels with it in the back of the car and he reckons that although it is washed out it still smells. The waste hog is slightly larger for capacity and has a gauge to tell when it is full whereas the wastemaster does not have a gauge.
Oct 15, 2008
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Hi, they both do the same job and are as good as each other. I have waste hog/water hog it was the capacity that won me over

Thats great guys thanks. We're looking at the ranger 560/6 so I guess that it's locker will be same size as yours Colin so we'll probably go for the slightly smaller products.

Please excuse my naivety for this next question, but if I bought an aquaroll and a wastemaster (i.e. without a gauge) how do I know when the aquaroll needs refilling (if not on a pitch with a tap) and the same for the wastemaster - how often do you empty it/know when its full?

Thanks again
Oct 15, 2008
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Thats great guys thanks. We're looking at the ranger 560/6 so I guess that it's locker will be same size as yours Colin so we'll probably go for the slightly smaller products.

Please excuse my naivety for this next question, but if I bought an aquaroll and a wastemaster (i.e. without a gauge) how do I know when the aquaroll needs refilling (if not on a pitch with tap) and the same for the wastemaster - how often do you empty it/know when its full?

Thanks again
Mar 8, 2007
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I have the Aquaroll and Wastemaster, everyday when emptying the Chemical Toilet, I lift the Aquaroll and if it feels light then this tells me it needs re-filling and as the contents of the Aquaroll go into the Wastemaster, then this will also need to be emptied.

There is a lip on the Wastemaster and Wastehog, which allows you to give the Chem Toilet a piggyback to the relevant disposal point. This lets you do two tasks in one trip.

Please be aware that the more fluid the relevant container holds, then the heavier it will be to move around,

best regards, Martin
Jan 1, 2006
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I have a waste hog having misplaced my waste master. I plan to get a new Waste Master for next season. I am not happy with the way the tool box lid falls open when moving . all the contents of this box get wet when it rains as this box is not watertight . I feel its the old story .with the Waste Master you get a good solid product. the Waste Hog feels looks and is cheap .I would however recommend should you get a Waste Master you also get a spare stopper, they have the habit of disappearing down the drain . A plus for the waste hog is one is supplied as a spare.


Nov 12, 2009
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We have a waste hog but when I replace it I will have a Wastemaster.

On the waste hog the guage leaks slightly and it serves no useful purpose.The light colour and dimply surface means that the waste hog is harder to keep clean and the extra capacity doesn't count for much because I empty it before it's completely full up anyway.
Mar 26, 2008
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We have two aquarolls and both are ancient, not that you would know though. They are a quality product and just last forever.

Smaller size is easier to store and easier for young Gunga Din's (nieces) to handle when sent for aqua supply.
Mar 21, 2008
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Hi Sarah,

You'll know when the aquaroll needs refilling because water will stop coming out of the taps!

Having a similar capacity, the wastemaster will need emptying when the aquaroll needs filling.

After a few days you'll get a pretty good idea how long your water will last - we normally get about a day and a half out of our aquaroll.
Sep 11, 2007
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We started caravanning this year and bought a waterhog and wastehog. we only discovered the wastehog leaked when away on our two week summer holiday and filled it above the seam.We returned it for a wastemaster which is better quality and fits under the caravan and sits lower on the ground allowing the waste pipes to fit better. The handle on the waterhog has already broken so may well return that in exchange for a aquaroll.
Oct 15, 2008
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Many thanks to all of you who took the time to reply to my questions, your responses have cleared up the issue nicely, but clearly we have a lot to learn! After reading your comments it sounds like an aquaroll and wastemaster will be on our shopping list!!


Nov 7, 2005
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Hi Sarah, if you can carry two water supply barrels, then this is obviously the best arrangement as you always have a reserve tank, so to speak. Fill them both up and change over as each gets low - much more convenient all round (especially when one runs out at dead of night in pouring rain!). I have a 40 ltr Aquaroll and a 50 litre Waterhog - the Aquaroll seems indestructable but has a lesser capacity...the Waterhog is crap but has the useful higher capacity. Why is it crap? Well the handles don't stay in the running spindles, the side filler leaks so I have put the cap on really tight and don't use it, the rubber "wheels" are flimsy, and I have to strap a string around the entire barrel to stop the side filler cap from flapping all over the place! If Aquaroll did a 50 litre barrel, I would be first in line... (Don't know about the Wastehog, but I use a Wastemaster, and it has always been satisfactory...)
May 21, 2008
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I too have an aqua roll and a water hog.

With 90 litres of water to hand showers are great.

The water hog is definately the cheap and cheerfull option. But what is more important is the consideration of the extra weight you have to hump about with 50 litres of water!

I find the hog a bind to tip into placeat the caravan, where as, the aqua roll seems a more balanced item to use.

As usual it's horses for coarses, and very much down to personal choice and circumstance.

Steve L.
Nov 21, 2008
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I initially bought Water Hog and Waste Hog as they were cheaper. The Water Hog was full of waste plastic from the cut-outs, the handle was broken and the standard pump sleeve that came with our van did not fit over the thread. However, the quality was clearly not a patch on the Wastemaster product.

Returned them both and changed for the Wastemasters. It is definitely a case that you get what you pay for.


There are other ways of looking at it. The smaller the waste container, the more often you will empty it. This will have 2 advantages, firstly there will be less smell because the waste liquid is not lying so long and secondly you will be fitter with walking to the waste disposal point. You may also persuade your family members to be more economical with water, especially at hair washing time, but thta could be a hard sell.

I do not use the shower in the van and we find 1 container of water will last 3-4 days and the waste is small as well. I did have a waste hog but dumped it in a skip because it took up 40% of the boot space. I now use the Fiamma model which is much smaller.
Jan 31, 2008
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At present, we use the hogs and have no problem with either of them. They don't leak (yet) and I do like the extra 10 ltrs capacity but yes, it's a heavier load to lug. I have to agree they look cheap and naff compared to the masters.

As for smells, what we do is pour a drop of Zoflora into the wastehog at the end of every stay. The result is a sweet smelling wastehog when setting up the next time and lasts the duration of our stay.
Jul 25, 2007
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I have the waste hog and water hog. They are perhaps not quite as high a quality as the aquaroll products, however they are good enough quality for the job they are designed to do. I opted for these because they were
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello William,

The choice you have here highlights part of the answer to your battery query in the buyers guide! Customer choice.

I don't think it is a case of brand snobbery, The Aquaroll was the first easy to move water system for caravans, and it has remained basically unchanged since its introduction. The biggest change was the enlargement of access port to allow submersible pumps to be dropped in.

The water hog is a relative newcomer on the scene, and as you point out both makes do basically the same job so for waste hog to gain acceptance in the market it needed to be competitively priced to attract interest.

I think there may an element of brand loyalty or familiarity (which is not necessarily snobbery) which is why some people may continue to repurchase the same product, even when there is an alternative that may be cheaper.


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