Assured Storage in administration...

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May 24, 2014
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Unfortunately not everyone interprets emojis in the same way.

Without being too brutal......tough. As long as it isnt offensive, aimed at a particular group or condition, humour has a place in life. Laughter is a human condition, it serves a purpose.

Anybody that cannot fathom what an Emoji is depicting is going to be really confused with a map. Even technical manuals use Emojis of sorts. The danger sign, the Emoji seen on power buttons, the sign for mute on a TV remote. :) The smiley face there says I am saying this in a light hearted and friendly manner. :whistle:
Jul 15, 2008
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........well I for one was actually dismayed at the OP's original post and thought it deserved the lampooning it received from Anseo.

The OP actually broke forum rules by using capital letters to scaremonger the likely hood that owners motorhomes and caravans were likely to be sold off by officially appointed administrators of a company in receivership.
I find perpetuating ridiculous falsehoods with very little thought to the facts particularly annoying.

The company operating the storage site went into receivership in the autumn of 2018 and I am certain that the administrators have been establishing the ownership of vehicles stored on site, charging the appropriate rent and liaising with the owners for eventual removal.
Jun 20, 2005
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Raywood said:
I thought the post by Anseo was the first one as I have never seen an earlier one.

The original was about a Cassoa Gold site in Essex that has gone bust. There is a row ongoing between the Receiver and the original site owner. The original Owner refuses to hand over details of the owners of the stored goods to the Receiver.


Mar 14, 2005
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The original posting has been deleted by the OP, Jay Tea, about 43 minutes ago for some strange reason, the reason given in the comments is Capitalisation...…..whatever that means.


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