beemermal, you are not listening " INNOCENT MOTORISTS HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR"
I agree with everything you have said and none of the supporters of the policy in this thread have addressed your, and my, fear. None of them has been able to say why it now considered prudent to carry the insurance certificate, when it has been the norm for decades to be issued with a 7 day producer. For some reason that I cannot fathom they do not appear to support an advertising campaign to explain to drivers the current stratagy.
I agree with everything you have said and none of the supporters of the policy in this thread have addressed your, and my, fear. None of them has been able to say why it now considered prudent to carry the insurance certificate, when it has been the norm for decades to be issued with a 7 day producer. For some reason that I cannot fathom they do not appear to support an advertising campaign to explain to drivers the current stratagy.