- Mar 14, 2005
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No, there is nothing "more than meets the eye" about my daughters situation, and as for an apology,,forget it.I hadn't realised that it was a legal requirement to carry insurance and possibly other documents with me all times.
Of all the ludicrous nonsense.
Should my vehicle or my wallet be pinched the low life now has proof of identity with my driving licence, my car insurance and my MOT etc.
How can this possibly work when more than 1 person drives the same vehicle? Myself, wife and daughter all use the same car, so the only practical way to adhere to the law is to leave the docs in the car.
Perhaps I should leave my passport, cheque book and credit card in the car as well; I wouldn't like to think the car thief was short of cash for his next fix.
Think I'll write my pin numbers on the back of the sun visor.
I'm not against sensible surveillance, and picking up non insured, non taxed, drunk, drugged up, and dangerous drivers is a priority, I'd even go as far as saying dangerously laden and mismatched Car/Caravans outfits should be pulled, but surely there has to be sense applied by OUR police, yes OUR police, we pay for them we should expect to be treated with respect.
Just as if we really have done something seriously wrong we should expect to pay the penalty.
Unless there is more to Damians story than meets the eye his daughters experience shows a total disregard by the authorities for the very people who employ them (The taxpayer).
A full refund and an apology would have been in order.
It was a case of "our computer is always right,,you are wrong"