Awning zip lubricant

Mar 29, 2007
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'Practical Caravan' September 2010, p.52, 4th column, mentions lubricating awning zips with awning channel and zip lubricant, or smearing them with candle wax. We've never found candle wax to be very effective. We use Pledge to lubricate the awning rail - would that be OK for the zips too?

Alternatively, a quick google reveals a product called 'Snap Stick' snap and zipper lubricant. Has anyone tried this?

Many thanks.
Jun 17, 2011
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I use Thetford seal lubricant on the zips- ideal. I suspect Pledge will work as well- check it doesn't tell you not to use it on plastic.
Mar 9, 2012
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An excellent lubricant that is clear/non-staining and is usable on a lot more than zips and the awning channel is Spray Silicone.Protect yourself and others by avoiding inhalation,it can be sprayed into a container and applied with an old well worn toothbrush direct to the zip and onto the edges of the awning channel. A local upholsterer or upholsterers suppliers that will deal with the public is the place to get it. Mr Sheen or similar are thick and tacky and likely to stain;unlike silicone which is clear. I have the added advantage of being in the upholstery trade for 48yrs and remember silicone first coming on stream and the many uses that it was put to with quite remarkable results.


Candle wax should work on metal, least I seem to remember it always did on playground slides! ...what though I also remember is the b******ings I used to get from Mum after trying to get it off my shorts?! LOL
Silicone then is best, it's most likely that in Pledge and the like that makes those work as well


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