bad tasting water

May 10, 2005
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we have got a 2005 swifte challenger 490 with bad tasting water we have tried flushing out with milton and other products but still the taste is they.swifte have told us to flush with milton still bad taste
Apr 11, 2005
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hi sara,

got the same prob with our 04 lunar, have given up !! bought a karge mineral water bottle used all that and just keep refilling on site from the drinking water tap for the kettle ,

juice etc... its not much of a prob and I feel a bit better knowing its fresh and clean!
Mar 14, 2005
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try fitting an in line water filter ,they are very easy to fit and i think you will find a difference,have got one in ours and the water definately tastes better on sites weve been before and had problems with water taste
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Sara

We have a Brita Filter jug on the side that we use for drinking water.

This has the added advantage of removing any 'regional' variations in water taste and prevents the kettle from furring up in hard water areas.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have had the same problem with my van - the water tastes like yuk. resorted to having a 1.5 L container and use this for drinking water - however if you wash cups etc. using the vans supply I find that the cups contaminate the drink, and whats the use of having on board water facilities if you can't use them.

I suspect that when the van leaves the manufacturers the water system is dozed with chemicals to offset any chance of bacteria building up in the system and to make sure they overdose the system. IMHO
Aug 4, 2004
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Thias subject has been raised dozens of times but still the manufacturers do nothing to resolve the problem. Perhaps PC magazine can do an article on this instead of drainers!
May 4, 2005
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Sara, we had foul tasting water,we tried everything going. The only thing that stopped the taste was changing the water pipes. On ours it was fairly easy and reasonably cheap and we use water purifying tablets in our aqua rolls, no more bad tastes.

Mar 14, 2005
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When caravanning there are three main reasons for water to taste differently to what you expect.

Firstly the local water in different areas can taste because of the source any chemical treatment carried out by the water supplier, and the caravan site pipework. Silver dosed charcoal filters can often improve some of these problems.

Secondly, Some pipes used in caravans are not correctly manufactured, and some of the plasticiers used in the construction of the pipe can leach out and contaminate the water This is typified as an antiseptic taste similar to TCP. The only solution here is for the pipes to be changed. This should be done by the dealer under warranty (pipes not fit for purpose.

The third problem is the growth of algae inside the pipes. Depending on how long and severe the infestation is the pipes may be cleaned usually with Hydrogen Peroxide used in the correct dilution. For sever infestations the pipes may need to be replaced.

It is a good idea to always clean your pipes and systems at the end of the season, even leaving some mild sterilisers in the pipe work whilst in storage. Beware of frosts and if you have a water heater, these have metal parts which may be attacked by bleach based sterilisers (Milton etc) for these use solutions that are recommended for use with metal surfaces (Chempro SDP is specifically designed for the brewing industry which uses aluminium barrels and pipework. etc)
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Sara

My parents have a 2004 Swift Challenger and have the same problem. The caravan dealer they use insist there is nothing wrong and my parents think it is the pipes. The water has tasted awful from caravan purchase but it is not quite as bad now so don't despair. They try to use fresh water for drinking and they put a weak solution of Milton in the water supply which helps.

Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Sara

My parents have a 2004 Swift Challenger and have the same problem. The caravan dealer they use insist there is nothing wrong and my parents think it is the pipes. The water has tasted awful from caravan purchase but it is not quite as bad now so don't despair. They try to use fresh water for drinking and they put a weak solution of Milton in the water supply which helps.

Hello Debbie,

I hope your parents are not using the water with the milton in it. This realy not a good idea, as even in a weak solution it is still bleach and potentially highly irritant!. Please encourage them to flush out the milton from the system before actually using the water even for washing hands.
May 4, 2005
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Hi John L,It does say on the bottle that Milton can be added to drinking water . I can't remember the exact amount but its something like 1 teaspoon per gallon.
Mar 14, 2005
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I have no idea what the tap water tastes like on my brand new van. I'm aboslutely amazed that anyone would drink water from an aquaroll. Unless you clean it regularly - you're going to end up drinking contaminated water. That's a fact. When I fill my aquarolls I aslo fill a clean regularly sterilised bottle as well. NO bad tastes - no bacteria
Mar 14, 2005
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we do clean them regulary,whats the use of having water at hand if your not going to use it,we also do sometimes buy bottled water as some parts of the country do have awful tasting water,the people that live there probably dontthink so,but its what you are used to.
Apr 11, 2005
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As I said earlier I too have this problem,am goin to try the above advice but can anyone tell me ( I know this sounds really thick !) where I will find the water filter on my van ? its an 04 lunar zenith using a crystal maxi pump, bought the van used and not changed filter yet( as I cant find it !!)
Apr 11, 2005
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As I said earlier I too have this problem,am goin to try the above advice but can anyone tell me ( I know this sounds really thick !) where I will find the water filter on my van ? its an 04 lunar zenith using a crystal maxi pump, bought the van used and not changed filter yet( as I cant find it !!)
sorry crystal compact !
Mar 14, 2005
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I have no idea what the tap water tastes like on my brand new van. I'm aboslutely amazed that anyone would drink water from an aquaroll. Unless you clean it regularly - you're going to end up drinking contaminated water. That's a fact. When I fill my aquarolls I aslo fill a clean regularly sterilised bottle as well. NO bad tastes - no bacteria
Hi Chris

We've been caravanning for 10 years now and always drink the water from the aquaroll. I sterilise the system at the start of each season and just rinse out between trips. Never had an illness problem yet. From what I understand from tests, most bottled waters contain more bacteria than UK mains water anyway.
Mar 14, 2005
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As I said earlier I too have this problem,am goin to try the above advice but can anyone tell me ( I know this sounds really thick !) where I will find the water filter on my van ? its an 04 lunar zenith using a crystal maxi pump, bought the van used and not changed filter yet( as I cant find it !!)
Tina, I haven't got a Lunar, but used to have a Carver Crystal System, (now Truma). Mine had a filter on the outside of the 'van next to where the pump attach's. A round clear plastic affair that you unscrew by hand. They may have changed now of course.
Apr 11, 2005
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Tina, I haven't got a Lunar, but used to have a Carver Crystal System, (now Truma). Mine had a filter on the outside of the 'van next to where the pump attach's. A round clear plastic affair that you unscrew by hand. They may have changed now of course.
Mick, some one else said that(similar to a washing machines)had a look but couldnt see anything that looked like it would unscrew,hence am wondering if it is inside somewhere !you may be right,I;m just new to all this and dont want to start twisting things that aren't meant to twist !!!!!!!!!
Apr 11, 2005
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Hi Klarky

Thanks so much for your time in trying to help me !!

Have been on, they have a crystal filter housing unit,(which has a filter to unscrew) and then one called a winter housing unit, my van has just the plug for the pump to go in, there is no filter that screws out !! based on this does this mean I need to buy a new housing unit,or could there still be an internal filter somewhere ???

Thanks agin for your help !x


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